Co-Coder is a Python package that streamlines error debugging from Open AI chat GPT and Google Bard by providing hints, example code, and relevant Stack Overflow links, all by simply importing it and setting the environment variable.
The Python package Co-Coder shows information about errors from Open AI chat GPT and Google Bard. Right below the tracebacked error, you will receive information about the error, debugging hints, and example code. Also, you can use it by modifying the prompt appropriately. Co-Coder helps you automatically get information about errors without Googling or Searching StackOverflow. If you use OpenAI's chatGPT model, it also returns links to Stack Overflow related to the error. The Co-Coder package is executed by simply importing Co-Coder at Python or IPython. Just setting the proper environment variable once.
The latest stable release (and required dependencies) can be installed from PyPI:
pip install cocoder
You may instead want to use the development version from Github:
pip install git+
Tutorials for all features can be found in this folder. Examples have been prepared for all possible cases.
Visit Open AI API for more information.
- Visit
- View API keys → + Create new secret key
See the Python package BardAPI for more information.
- Visit
- F12 for console
- Session: Application → Cookies → Copy the value of __Secure-1PSID cookie.
With Open AI chat GPT
Supported Language: English
import cocoder.ipython import os os.environ['_OPEN_AI_API'] = 'sk-xxxxxxxxxxx' os.environ['_OPEN_AI_MODEL'] = "gpt-3.5-turbo" # os.environ['_PROMPT_COMMAND'] = "You can make customized prompt in here." print(1/0)
With Google Bard
Supported Language: Korean, English, Japanese
import cocoder.ipython import os os.environ['_BARD_API_KEY'] = 'xxxxxxxxxxx' # os.environ['_PROMPT_COMMAND'] = "You can make customized prompt in here." print(1/0)
import cocoder.ipython import os os.environ['_BARD_API_KEY'] = 'xxxxxxxxxxx' os.environ["_BARD_ADVICE_LANG"]='ko' # os.environ['_PROMPT_COMMAND'] = "You can make customized prompt in here." print(1/0)
import cocoder.ipython import os os.environ['_BARD_API_KEY'] = 'xxxxxxxxxxx' os.environ["_BARD_ADVICE_LANG"]='jp' # os.environ['_PROMPT_COMMAND'] = "You can make customized prompt in here." print(1/0)
Other languages
The bardapi package, starting from version 0.1.11 github dev version, utilizes the translation feature from the Python package called deep-translator. This allows users to receive debugging assistance in various languages, which can be helpful for students or beginners in Python. It provides a small but valuable aid to overcome language barriers and understand error messages in different languages, enabling users to find solutions. This update opens up opportunities for more people to start programming and receive support in problem-solving.import cocoder.ipython import os os.environ['_BARD_API_KEY'] = 'xxxxxxxxxxx' os.environ["_BARD_ADVICE_LANG"]='arabic' # os.environ['_PROMPT_COMMAND'] = "You can make customized prompt in here." print(1/0)
With Open AI chat GPT
from cocoder import ExceptPyCocoder import os, sys os.environ['_OPEN_AI_API'] = 'sk-xxxxxxxxxxx' os.environ['_OPEN_AI_MODEL'] = "gpt-3.5-turbo" # os.environ['_PROMPT_COMMAND'] = "You can make customized prompt in here." sys.excepthook = ExceptPyCocoder() print(1/0)
With Google Bard
Supported Language: Korean, English, Japanese
from cocoder import ExceptPyCocoder import os, sys os.environ['_BARD_API_KEY'] = 'xxxxxxx' # os.environ["_BARD_ADVICE_LANG"]='ko','jp','arabic' etc. # os.environ['_PROMPT_COMMAND']="You can make customized prompt in here." sys.excepthook = ExceptPyCocoder() print(1/0)
In the BardAPI scripts folder, I have released a script to help you compare OpenAI-ChatGPT and Google-Bard. I hope they will help more developers.
- CoCoder: MIT
Licenses apply the each dependencies package, and the created posts follow CC BY-NC-SA.
Sincerely grateful for any reports on new features or bugs. Your valuable feedback on the code is highly appreciated.
- Maintainer: Daniel Park, South Korea
- E-mail:
Development Status :: 3 - Alpha
Copyright (c) MinWoo Park 2023