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New Schema Mapping View

Bo Ferri edited this page Sep 2, 2016 · 7 revisions


  • reduce the amount of information to an absolute minimum, i.e., only display elements that are really necessary to grasp and edit a particular task (e.g. create a mapping from a certain attribute path)
  • it must be possible to check schema coverage
  • search and filters need to be applicable to schemata and mappings

General Approach

new schema mapping view - general approach

  • when creating a mapping you can still draw arrows from the input schema to the output schema
  • only max. 10 mappings should be visible
  • the part in the middle should be in an own widget (+ scrollable (analogues to the schema widgets))
  • if one selects an attribute path in the input schema or output schema, then only those mappings are displayed that make use of this attribute path (or sub paths, if the path is in an higher leval and sub paths exist)
  • search and filters should be applicable to mappings (don't display to much information at once!)
  • don't display to many arrows at once (this is only confusing)
  • input and output attribute paths of the mappings should be marked (to illustrate schema coverage)
  • the mapping list in the middle can probably be more present so that only relevant parts of schemata are displayed, when a mapping is selected



  • if you select an input attribute path, then only those mappings are displayed that make use of this attribute path (incl. arrows to the output attribute paths)
  • if you select an output attribute path, then only those mapping are displayed that make use of this attribute path (incl. arrows from the input attribute paths)
  • if you select a particular mapping, then arrows will be displayed to the utilised input and output attribute paths
  • arrows of all visible mappings (max. 10) can be displayed as well

Search & Filters

  • search can be applied to
    • the input schema
    • the mappings
    • the output schema
Filter Capabilities (Examples)
  • show all input attribute paths, where a mapping starts from (input schema filter)
  • show all output attribute paths, where a mapping directs to (output schema filter)
  • show all output attribute paths, where no mapping directs to (output schema filter)
  • show all input attribute paths, where no mapping starts from (input schema filter)

Attribute Path Selection + Visibility

1st Variant (Basic Behaviour)

new schema mapping view - attribute path selection - 1st variant

  • if an input or output attribute path is selected, then only those mappings will be displayed that make use of them (or their sub paths, if the attribute path is part of a higher level and sub paths exist)
  • the input attribute path srecord > metadata > mrecord > datafield > subfield > value is selected

2nd Variant (Alternative)

new schema mapping view - attribute path selection - 2nd variant

  • if a mapping is selected, then only those attribute paths are displayed that are utilised by this mapping
  • input attribute path srecord > header > identifer is selected
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