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An unmanaged extension for Neo4j for processing the GDM

This is an unmanaged extension for Neo4j for processing the GDM and RDF.

  1. Build it:

     mvn clean package -DskipTests -PRELEASE

    (for release)

  2. Copy the jar ("with dependencies"; from target/) to the plugins/ directory of your Neo4j server.

  3. Configure Neo4j by adding a line (like the following one) to conf/


    (wherby, /graph is the relative (base) path of this unmanaged extension)

  4. Start Neo4j server.

  5. Query (check) it over HTTP:

     curl http://localhost:7474/graph/gdm/ping
  6. The service for writing GDM (serialised as JSON) into the database is located at


    You can POST to this service a multipart/mixed object with the bytes of the GDM and the second part should be a data model URI (as string), e.g.,

     curl -H "Content-Type:multipart/mixed" -F "content=@request.json; type=application/json" -F "content=@test-gdm.json; type=application/octet-stream" -X POST http://localhost:7474/graph/gdm/put -i -v

    (test-gdm.json is the file name (relative path) of the GDM JSON and request.json is the metadata (in JSON) for the request)

    An example of for the metadata of the write request is the following JSON

         "data_model_uri": "",
         "deprecate_missing_records": "false",
         "record_class_uri": "",
         "enable_versioning": "false"
  7. You can retrieve GDM from the database via


    You can POST to this service a JSON object with key-value pairs for "record_class_uri" and "data_model_uri", e.g.,

         "record_class_uri": "",
         "data_model_uri": ""


     curl -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Accept:application/json" --data-binary @test_request.json -X POST http://localhost:7474/graph/gdm/get -i -v

To compile the package to be able to run the JUnit tests, you need to run maven with the TEST profile.

Note: You can call

    curl -X DELETE http://localhost:7474/graph/maintain/delete

to trigger a clean-up remotely.

Note: the port of your neo4j stand-alone installation may vary from the standard port 7474. If you run your neo4j stand-alone installation on another port, you need to modify the unit tests re. this configuration.

See also: documentation @ d:swarm wiki