This demo presents a simple REST api for storing user data, creating forms, sending form-embedded messages, and allowing users to respond to embedded forms. There is also a simple admin ui for viewing user form responses.
Back-end uses Express 4 for organization and routing, Mongoose for data store & modelling, and Handlebars for templating.
Emails are delivered via Mailgun.
- NodeJS for server back end, and for installing bower.
- Bower for downloading front end vendor packages, such as jQuery and Foundation.
- Mongodb for data store.
- Curl over CLI or other REST client (e.g. Advanced REST Client) for interacting with server REST API.
Install Node JS. Go here, download, follow on-screen instructions.
Install Bower via npm:
npm install -g bower
. Go here for full instructions. -
Install Mongodb. Go here, download, follow on-screen instructions.
Grab server node packages: with administrator priviledges, cd into project root &
npm install
. -
Grab front end vendor packages: with administrator priviledges, cd into project root &
bower install
In CLI (replace name and email with your name and email address):
curl -i -H "Accept: *" -X POST -d "name=Derek Timmerman&" http://localhost:3000/api/v1/recipient
Alternatively, if you're using a visual REST client, your request should be a POST to http://localhost:3000/api/v1/recipient, with two form fields:
- name:
Derek Timmerman
- email:
Response body should look like:
In the response body, take note of the value for data[0]._id. This is your recipient ID. It should be a random-like string, e.g. "544461dc0eb2509d55c0b971". This will be later used when you send your embedded-form email.
curl -i -H "Accept: *" -X POST -d 'name=Email Survey&fields=[{"name":"firstname","label":"First Name","type":"text"},{"name":"lastname","label":"Last Name","type":"text"},{"name":"message","label":"Message","type":"textarea"}]' http://localhost:3000/api/v1/form
Alternatively, if you're using a visual REST client, your request should be a POST to http://localhost:3000/api/v1/form, with two form fields:
- name:
Email Survey
- fields:
[{"name":"firstname","label":"First Name","type":"text"},{"name":"lastname","label":"Last Name","type":"text"},{"name":"message","label":"Message","type":"textarea"}]
The fields parameter is a JSON array of form fields, with each array item consisting of a field name
Response body should look like:
"name":"Email Survey",
"fields":"[{\"name\":\"firstname\",\"label\":\"First Name\",\"type\":\"text\"},{\"name\":\"lastname\",\"label\":\"Last Name\",\"type\":\"text\"},{\"name\":\"message\",\"label\":\"Message\",\"type\":\"textarea\"}]",
"html":"<form action=\"http://localhost:3000/api/v1/form/response\" method=\"POST\">\n <div class=\"field-items\">\n <div id=\"firstname-wrap\" class=\"field-items__item\">\n <label>First Name</label>\n <input type=\"text\" name=\"firstname\" value=\"\">\n</div>\n<div id=\"lastname-wrap\" class=\"field-items__item\">\n <label>Last Name</label>\n <input type=\"text\" name=\"lastname\" value=\"\">\n</div>\n<div id=\"message-wrap\" class=\"field-items__item\">\n <label>Message</label>\n <textarea name=\"message\"></textarea>\n</div>\n\n </div>\n <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"formID\" value=\"5444673d59ac72cd5761627f\">\n <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"messageID\" value=\"\">\n <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"recipientID\" value=\"\">\n <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"recipientEmail\" value=\"\">\n <input type=\"submit\" value=\"submit\">\n</form>\n",
In the response body, take note of the value for data[0]._id. This is your form ID. It should be a random-like string, e.g. "5444673d59ac72cd5761627f". This will be later used when you send your embedded-form email.
Start mongo: with administrator priviledges,
mongod --dbpath=/data --port 27017
. -
Start server module: with administrator priviledges, cd into project root and ``.
The server is now running on port 3000. All requests should be made at http://localhost:3000. All the api requests are prefixed with /api/v1.
Response objects follow JSend standard:
API endpoints are structured as http://domain/api/v1/foobar. In production this would be http://api.domain/v1/foobar. Easier to not configure a local virtual host with a subdomain.
API methods are documented in index.js.
- admin ui
- cli one liners
- unit test
- mailgun callback error handling
- exception handling
- tracker pixel
- validator.js
- Form model fields are not searchable, neither are FormResponse model fields. This could be fixed by making a separate FormField model. So a "form" would consist of a Form object plus all the FormField objects it's related to. Ditto for FormResponse.