This repository includes a boilerplate project used for all Seedstars Labs applications. It uses Django as backend and React as frontend.
We build on the solders of giants with the following technologies:
- React
- React Router
- JSON Web Token JSON Web Token for API authentication
- Babel for ES6 and ES7 magic
- Webpack for bundling
- Webpack Dev Middleware
- Redux's futuristic Flux implementation
- Redux Dev Tools for next generation DX (developer experience). Watch Dan Abramov's talk
- Redux Thunk Thunk middleware for Redux - used in async actions
- React Router Redux Ruthlessly simple bindings to keep react-router and redux in sync
- fetch A window.fetch JavaScript polyfill
- style-loader, sass-loader and less-loader to allow import of stylesheets in plain css, sass and less,
- font-awesome-webpack to customize FontAwesome
- foundation-sites for the grid
- ESLint, Airbnb Javascript/React Styleguide, Airbnb CSS / Sass Styleguide to maintain a consistent code style and eslint-plugin-import to make sure all imports are correct
- mocha to allow writing unit tests for the project
- Enzyme JavaScript Testing utilities for React
- redux-mock-store a mock store for your testing your redux async action creators and middleware
- expect Write better assertions
- Nock HTTP mocking and expectations library
- istanbul to generate coverage when running mocha
- Django
- Django REST framework Django REST framework is a powerful and flexible toolkit for building Web APIs
- Django REST framework JSON Web Token JSON Web Token Authentication support for Django REST Framework
- WhiteNoise to serve files efficiently from Django
- Prospector a complete Python static analysis tool
- Bandit a security linter from OpenStack Security
- pytest a mature full-featured Python testing tool
- Mock mocking and testing Library
- Responses a utility for mocking out the Python Requests library
- Command line starts with $, the command should run with user privileges
- Command line starts with #, the command should run with root privileges
$ git clone
$ cd django-react-redux-jwt-base
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update
$ ./scripts/
Remember that when you copy this repository for a new project you need to add the scripts external module using:
$ git submodule add scripts
# wget -qO- | sudo bash -
# apt-get install --yes nodejs
Make sure npm version is 3.x
$ npm -v
$ npm install -g npm@next
# only if version is lower than 3.x
$ npm install
$ npm run dev
# will run webpack with watch and compile code as it changes -
$ virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 virtualenv
$ source virtualenv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r py-requirements/dev.txt
$ cd src
$ python migrate
$ python loaddata fixtures.json
$ python runserver
Run webpack in development mode
$ npm run dev
Run Django development http server
$ cd src
$ python runserver
Frontend (javascript tests)
$ ./scripts/
Backend (django/python tests)
$ ./scripts/
To make sure the code respects all coding guidelines you should run the statics analysis script before pushing any code.
Frontend (javascript static analysis)
$ ./scripts/
Backend (django/python static analysis)
$ ./scripts/
Here are some screenshots of the boilerplate project.