Scan Singularity container images for security vulnerabilities using CoreOS Clair.
The CoreOS Clair vulnerability scanner is a useful tool able to scan docker and other container formats for security vulnerabilities. It obtains up-to-date lists of vulnerabilities for various platforms (namespaces) from public databases.
We can use Clair to scan singularity containers, by exploiting the fact that an exported .tar.gz of a singularity container image is similar to a single layer docker image.
This tool:
- Exports a singularity image to a temporary .tar.gz file (this will be under
) - Serves the .tar.gz file via an in-built http server, so the Clair service can retrieve it
- Calls the Clair API to ingest the .tar.gz file as a layer for analysis
- Calls the Clair API to retireve a vulnerability report for this layer
- Displays a simple text, or full JSON format report
Based on experiments detailed in this Gist
Functionality was last tested using SingularityCE 3.9.7.
This tool should be considered proof of concept, not heavily tested. Use at your own risk.
There is no support yet for SSL client certificates to verify that we are sending API requests to a trusted Clair instance, or that only a trusted Clair instance can retrieve images from the inbuilt http server. This means that this solution is insecure except with an isolated local install of Clair.
To use clair-singularity you will need a Linux host with:
- Python 3.5 or greater installed
- SingularityCE 3+ installed (tested with 3.9.7) and the singularity
executable in your
- A Clair instance running somewhere, that is able to access the machine you will run clair-singularity on. It's easiest to accomplish this using docker to run a local Clair instance as below.
If you have docker available on your local machine, the easiest way to start scanning your Singularity images is to fire up a Clair instance locally, with docker. The official Clair docker images are a blank slate, and do not include any vulnerability information. At startup Clair will have to download vulnerability information from the internet, which can be quite slow. Images from github user arminc are available that include pre-seeded databases:
To startup a Clair instance locally using these instances:
docker run -d --name db arminc/clair-db:2022-03-31
docker run -p 6060:6060 --link db:postgres -d --name clair arminc/clair-local-scan:v2.1.8_9bca9a9a7bce2fd2e84efcc98ab00c040177e258
Replace the clair-db:2022-03-31 image tag with a later date for newer vulnerabilities
Clone the git repo, or download and extract the zip then:
python install
To scan a singularity image, using a clair instance running under local docker, on port 6060:
clair-singularity myimage.sif
/If your hostname is not resolvable to a non-localhost IP of your machine,
accessible to docker containers, you must specify the IP with --bind-ip
If clair is running on a different machine, you must use the --clair-uri
option to specify the base URI to the clair instance, and the --bind-ip
options to specify a public IP and port on this machine, that
clair can access to retrieve images from clair-singularity
clair-singularity \
--clair-uri \
--bind-ip= \
--bind-port=8088 myimage.img
By default, clair-singularity gives a simplified text report on STDOUT. To
obtain the full JSON report returned by Clair use the --jsoon-output
clair-singularity --json-output myimage.img