This repository contains the source for the icinga2 docker image.
- Based on debian:latest
- Supervisor, Apache2, MySQL, icinga2, and icinga-web
- No SSH. Use nsenter
- If no passwords are not supplied, they will be randomly generated and shown via stdout.
docker pull jordan/icinga2
Start a new container and bind to host's port 80
sudo docker run -p 80:80 -t jordan/icinga2:latest
Start a new container and supply the icinga and icinga_web password
sudo docker run -e ICINGA_PASSWORD="icinga" -e ICINGA_WEB_PASSWORD="icinga_web" -t jordan/icinga2:latest
mysql errors: The number of files is too low (65k) and should be increased. We might have to run in privileged mode for this and/or add a flag for more (fs.aio-max-nr = 1048576) docker run --privileged -t -i dumolibr/icinga2