A Jira-like clone for learning Next.JS, Tailwind, and Next-Auth
✨ Demo
npm install
npm run start
👤 Daniel Vu
- Website: https://daniel-vu.com/
- Twitter: @thedanielvu
- Github: @dv297
- LinkedIn: @daniel-vu-a2576699
This project uses NPM. To pull dependencies, run npm ci
Beyond Node.js, this project requires various external technologies to get up and running. These include...
- PostgreSQL
- Redis
- Twilio SendGrid
- Google Application Authentication Credentials
- Github Application Authentication Credentials
- Sanity.io
Running docker-compose up -d
will configure PostgreSQL and Redis. You will need to # and configure the remainder
to get the values needed for the environment variables for this application.
A local.env
file outlines the various environment variables that are required.
This project is configured with Cypress for end-to-end testing. To run the tests, ensure your .env is configured with environment variables pointing to a running PostgreSQL database that contains the proper schema. The database will be wiped once the tests are started.
From there, you can run npm run e2e
to start Cypress. You can also run npm run e2e:headless
to run the tests in a
headless browser.
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