This is a personal desktop assistant which will do few tasks for you. The tasks which can be performed are limited and need manual coding for it instead of any automation.
- Ask time and day
- Ask to open google,brave,youtube,stack overflow
- take screenshot of current screen
- record your voice
- Open calender and look into the calender of any year you desire
- Generate a new password for you
The current code is very rigid and can only perform fixed number of tasks. Looking forward to improve the effectiveness of the assistant and automate it.
- To give commands to VIVA and perform tasks.
pip install speechRecognition
- This module is used to access camera for capturing images.
pip install opencv-python
- This library helps VIVA to speak ask which task to perform from the user.
pip install PyAudio
- To make VIVA take screenshots and save easily
pip install Pillow
In takeCommand() function r.pause_threshold is parameter to increase the time to wait for assistant so that if u take a small pause wantedly or unwantedly, the assistant should not stop listening and execute incomplete tasks. In short, the more the pause_threshold, the more time you can pause after a command is given.
Also, along with it another parameter is also used which is called r.energy_threshold, which decreases the sensitivity of its input with increase in its value. The more the energy_threshold the more you need to shout for giving the commands to VIVA.
- Automating VIVA as much as possible, training a model and integrating it with the code so that the rigidness in the commands can be eliminated and the assistant can respond to the commands accordingly even if phrased differently.
- Making the code understandable to any individual, make it robust in nature.