David Gomez
Fast-invoice is a FastAPI web framework app that utilizes SQLAlchemy ORM.
- database.py
- SQLAlchemy support is added here
- models.py
- SQLAlchemy models located here
- schemas.py
- Pydantic models located here
- crud.py
- Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) invoices and invoice items
- main.py
- Main FastAPI invoice app and path operations
FastAPI Install:
- requires fastapi and uvicorn[standard] packages
- part of the dependencies in requirements.txt so pip install that file
- python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Docker Install:
- On Ubuntu "sudo apt install docker.io"
- https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/
Docker Build:
- docker build -t fast-invoice .
- If all goes well, should show in "docker images" along with the base image
- If not, may have to run with elevated privileges
- sudo docker build -t fast-invoice .
Docker Run:
- To run the docker image and expose the expected port 80, run the following:
- docker run -p 80:80 fast-invoice
- To run in detached mode with a named container
- docker run -d --name fast-invoice-ctn -p 80:80 fast-invoice
- Don't need instructions below, simply navigate to
See requirements.txt for Python packages needed
In the root directory of this repo, run the following:
uvicorn invoice_app.main:app --reload
Should see something like:
"INFO: Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)"
Navigate to the following URL, can manually try out GET and POST route operations on this page:
If SQLite was used, consider using DB Browser for SQLite
Read more here: https://sqlitebrowser.org/
Recommended to use pytest for testing, see more here: https://docs.pytest.org/en/7.1.x/getting-started.html#get-started
PEP8 lint tool used pycodestyle, see more here: https://pypi.org/project/pycodestyle/