This is a workshop about Xtext for beginners. The goal of the workshop is that the student creates a grammar, code generation and validation for a domain-specific language (DSL) with Xtext. This workshop is based on the examples used in the 15 Minutes Tutorial on the Xtext website. The workshop is designed to give to groups up to 15 persons.
The following tools need to be installed for the workshop:
- JDK 8 or higher
- Eclipse IDE for Java and DSL Developers
- org.example.domainmodel.exercises - Contains the presentation and exercise files
- org.example.domainmodel.ide, org.example.domainmodel.tests, org.example.domainmodel.ui.tests, org.example.domainmodel.ui & org.example.domainmodel - Forms a possible implementation outcome of the workshop
- The projects in Eclipse do not compile direclty after checking out this Git repository and importing the project.
- Run the 1 Generate Xtext Artifacts on the Domainmodel.xtext by going in Eclipse into project org.example.domainmodel > src > org.example.domainmodel > right click on the Domainmodel.xtext file and Run As > click on 1 Generate Xtext Artifacts.
Good luck and have fun!