This repo contains the Image Processing lab assignments of NIT Kurukshetra.
Every assignment is sorted by directories and contains the required resources directory which contains the required input data(images).
The tree structure of the repo is attached bellow for better understanding.
. ├── Assignment_1 │ ├── < Programs of Assignment_1> │ └── resources │ └── < Input images of Assignment_1> │ └── question │ ├── < question file> ├── Assignment_2 │ ├── < Programs of Assignment_2> │ └── resources │ ├── < Input images of Assignment_2> │ └── question │ ├── < question file> ├── Assignment_output │ ├── Assignment_1_output │ ├── < Output of Assignment_1> │ └── Assignment_2_output │ ├── < Output of Assignment_2>
Contains all the data of assignments without output.
The source code of the assignment problems.
The required input(images) for programs are present here.
Contains the question of the particular assignment.
Contains all the output screen shots of assignments in specific assignment directory.