A collection of utilities that use frida.
For setting up Frida on your jailbroken iOS device via Cydia, check out the instructions. You'll want to have installed Frida version >= 4.4.0 installed on the device.
npm install -g frida-contrib
The library exports a few bins for convenience that will be installed globally if you use the -g
option above.
± frida-list-apps
Running Name Identifier PID
------- ------------ --------------------------- ---
- App Store com.apple.AppStore -
- Apple Watch com.apple.Bridge -
- Calculator com.insitusec.Calculator -
- Calculator com.apple.calculator -
- Calendar com.apple.mobilecal -
- Camera com.apple.camera -
- Clock com.apple.mobiletimer -
- Compass com.apple.compass -
- Contacts com.apple.MobileAddressBook -
- Cydia com.saurik.Cydia -
- FaceTime com.apple.facetime -
- FileBrowser com.insitusec.FileBrowser -
- Game Center com.apple.gamecenter -
- Health com.apple.Health -
R Mail com.apple.mobilemail 169
- Maps com.apple.Maps -
- Messages com.apple.MobileSMS -
- Music com.apple.Music -
- Notes com.apple.mobilenotes -
- Passbook com.apple.Passbook -
- Phone com.apple.mobilephone -
- Photos com.apple.mobileslideshow -
- Podcasts com.apple.podcasts -
- Reminders com.apple.reminders -
R Safari com.apple.mobilesafari 315
- Settings com.apple.Preferences -
- Starbucks com.starbucks.mystarbucks -
- Stocks com.apple.stocks -
- Tips com.apple.tips -
- Videos com.apple.videos -
- Voice Memos com.apple.VoiceMemos -
- Weather com.apple.weather -
- iBooks com.apple.iBooks -
- iTunes Store com.apple.MobileStore -
Take a screen shot of the front-most application. Writes a file with "png"
extension to your current directory with a timestamp.
± frida-ios-screenshot
Dump the serialized UI.
± frida-ios-dump-ui | gist
ios-ssl-kill-switch ported to Frida. This tool will kill SSL on the frontmost application.
± frida-ios-ssl-ui