A simple API Key authorization middleware handler for koa. Useful to apply simple API Key authentication on a Koa REST Service where a small fixed number of API Keys are used.
Via npm:
npm install koa-apikey --save
"use strict";
const Koa = require("koa");
const koaApikey = require("koa-apikey");
const app = new Koa();
// specifies the server system environment variable which will contain
// the comma separated list of API keys
apiKeyServerEnvironmentVariableName: 'REST_API_KEYS',
// don't enforce API key authentication on these routes
unprotectedRoutes: [
// specify a custom header name for the API key
// headers must be lower case and can use dashes but not underscores
customHeaderName: 'my-custom-apikey-header',
// if you need to TEMPORARILY turn on debug logging, which would show
// the API keys in the environment and those that are passed, set to true
// also execute with DEBUG=koa-apikey node index.js to see output
useDebugLoggingShowingSecrets: false
app.use((ctx) => {
ctx.body = "Hello World"
# in a terminal
export REST_API_KEYS="aaabbbccc123,someotherkey123"
node index.js
# or to run with debug output: DEBUG=koa-apikey node index.js
# in another submit a request
curl -v http://localhost:3000/
# no API Key present, yields a HTTP 401
curl -v --header "x-apikey: aaabbbccc123" http://localhost:3000/
# yields HTTP 200
# koa-apikey will also look for the apikey on the querystring if not provided in the header
curl -v http://localhost:3000/?apikey=aaabbbccc123
# yields HTTP 200
# store the API keys in AWS SSM Parameter store as encrypted strings
aws ssm put-parameter \
--name "/dev/my-rest-service/REST_API_KEYS" \
--value "aaabbbccc123,someotherkey,yetanotherkey987" \
--type SecureString
# ssm-starter will load the previously saved SSM parameter from AWS into the
# local system environment and then start your Koa service which will be able
# to read it.
pip install ssm-starter
ssm-starter \
--ssm-name /dev/my-rest-service/ \
--command node index.js
npx jest
Or run tests with debug output on for koa* labeled logs:
LOG_LEVEL=debug npx jest