This is a script designed to quickly re-key Salt minions. It was written originally as a part of the mitigation efforts for CVE-2020-11651 and CVE-2020-11652 but it can be used in any scenario in which all minions connected to a Salt master should be forced to re-generate their keys and re-connect.
For background information on Salt's security model and the role of keys, please see this document:
One may wish to rekey minions in any event where the key(s) of the minion or of the master can no longer be trusted, as in the case of a security breach.
This script is provided without any fitness or warranty. It may cause minions to be disconnected from the Salt master and fail to reconnect, forcing manual intervention.
To pull this project down for use on a Salt Master, you need git
Use the following command to download the script for use:
git clone
The above command will pull down the necessary files into a directory called
. All subsequent commands should be executed from inside that
This script should be run from the Salt master itself. It uses the following environment variables which may be set:
Variable name | Description | Default |
$FILE_ROOT_ENV | Salt file root | base |
$PKI_DIR | Salt Master PKI dir | /etc/salt/pki |
$MINION_RESTART_WAIT | Seconds to wait for minions to reconnect | 120 |
To run the script from the Salt Master, call
To run it with one of the above options, set the appropriate environment variables.
Minions not currently connected to the master will not be able to reconnect and
may require manual regeneration via a salt-call
and then restarting the minion
salt-call saltutil.regen_keys
Issues may be filed in this repo.