A place for dxw designers to practise prototyping.
You can run the app from your local directory by running
1. git clone git@github.com:dxw/dxw-prototype-lib.git repository to a local directory folder
2. Navigate to the `dxw-prototype-lib` directory
3. Run the app from your local directory by running
`npm install` this command installs a package, and any packages that the app depends on.
In a separate session (new tab in terminal) Run the app `npm run dev`
4. To view the app in browser follow http://localhost:3000/
Go to app/views/exercises/[exercise directory]/
and add your files there. You can create your own folder in this directory if necessary.
There’s no restriction. You can try something like:
[exercise-name]-[my name].html
For example:
Attach the link of your file or index page in the content area of the exercise index page (usually app/views/exercises/[exercise directory]/index.html
Add your own SASS file to the directory app/assets/sass/exercises/[exercise directory]/
There’s no restriction. You can try something like:
_[exercise-name]-[my name].scss
For example:
Go to app/assets/sass/application.scss
and add the import statement:
@import "exercises/[exercise directory]/[my SCSS file]";
For example:
@import "exercises/apply-renew-passport/apply-renew-passport-ming";
{% set bodyClasses = "[exercise-name]-[my name]" %}
For example:
{% set bodyClasses = "exercise-apply-renew-passport-ming" %}
.exercise-apply-renew-passport-ming {
// My CSS rules here
- Create your own branch off the
. - Write clear commit messages.
- Push your branch to GitHub.
- Create your own pull request.
- Request another designer to do a code review for you.
- Once the pull request is approved, you can merge your branch to the
- Create a new local branch based on a remote branch (the branch in the code review request you received) by using the
git command. For example:
git checkout -b exercise/ming-apply-renew-passport-homepage --track origin/exercise/ming-apply-renew-passport-homepage
- Test the branch locally. You can make your comment on the code in the pull request.
- If the branch is tested well, you can approve the pull request.