Auto Backup your MySQL data base by adding a single line of code in your project :-)
Once the configurations are done (host, database, username, password ans the frequency) the system verify each time if the frequency reach and generate itself a backup .sql file in the backup repository, with a date and hour of the day (it self).
1- First, configs ... :
//All config about the database
$host = "localhost";
$database = "database";
$user = "root";
$password = "";
// Now frequency
$time_between_backups = 1; // 1 represent here a day!
2- Clone / Download and put the repository on your PHP project
3- Integration in your Webapp :
//At the head if it's possible(not absolute required)
include('SAVEME/index.php'); // AND IT's ALL DONE ;-)
// Some code here too
4- Extras:
-- You can force an instant backup by tap a specific link to your app with a query string parameter : 'now'
#And the database backup will be automatically generate as asql file