Just two functions inside:
- static function php_syntax_error($code, $tokens = null)
- static function validatePHPCode($source, $functions = array(), $enable = true)
Function checks if php code is valid.
- php code (without <?php )
- optional parameter, you can pass it on if you already have tokens for the code
(you can obtain them using token_get_all
Function returns error in the format: array( Error Mesage, Error Line # )
If there is no error - function will return false.
Function validates php code and returns status of validation (true or false).
- php code without <?php
at start
- functions to disable/enable.
- boolean, if true, then $functions
will represent list of functions to enable, of false - list of function to disable.
require 'PHPValidator.php';
$code = <<<PHP
\$b = 1;
\$c = 2;
\$a = \$b + \$c;
echo \$a;
class test {
public function __construct() {
echo 'construct';
public function foo(\$num) {
\$test = new test();
// validate the code
$validator = new Ext_Sandbox_PHPValidator();
// we enable only one function - echo, all others will throw error
$validator->validatePHPCode( $code, array('echo'), true);
$status = 'passed';
catch(Exception $ex)
$status = $ex->getMessage();
echo 'Status of validation is: ' . $status;