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This repository contains the LaTeX source files for my submitted PhD thesis (Version 1), structured to ensure clean formatting, efficient compilation, and easy customization.


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Improved Gustave Eiffel University (French) PhD Thesis Template - LaTeX

This GitHub repository contains the LaTeX source files for my submitted PhD thesis (Version 1). The English version of the thesis is available through the GitHub repository here.

Repository Structure 📂

The repository is organized as follows:

  • main.tex - The main LaTeX file that compiles the full thesis.

Style and Formatting Files 🎨

  • JMR.sty, main-local.sty, UGE/UGE-Thesis.sty, and UGE/UGE-Template.sty - LaTeX style files and document structuring settings.
  • UGE/UGE-Bib.sty, UGE/UGE-Col.sty, and UGE-Fontes.sty - Custom LaTeX styles for bibliography, colors, and fonts.

Bibliography 📖

  • DM.bib - The bibliography file containing all references.

Thesis Content ✒️

  • body.tex - The main structure of the thesis body.
  • src/Corps - Contains all primary content, including parts, chapters, appendices, and additional sections.
  • src/Figures - Stores figures, diagrams, and maps, organized per chapter.
  • src/Tableaux - Contains tables, organized per chapter.

Compilation Instructions 🔄

To compile the manuscript, choose one of the following methods:

Local compilation with latexmk and LuaLaTeX 💻

If using a local LaTeX editor, run the following command:

latexmk -pvc -quiet main.tex

After five compilation iterations, the final PDF version of the thesis will be generated.

Using Compilation with Overleaf 📶

You can also use Overleaf to compile the thesis. However, due to the large size of the document, full compilation may exceed Overleaf's timeout limits. To compile specific sections separately, uncomment the relevant line(s) in main.tex:


This allows you to compile only a selected chapter instead of the entire thesis.

Dependencies 🔧

Ensure that the following LaTeX packages are installed and updated:

Page Layout & Structure Mathematics & Symbols Content & Indexing Tables & Figures Fonts & Formatting
adjustbox amsmath biblatex booktabs draftwatermark
afterpage amssymb csquotes caption eurosym
atbegshi arydshln etoc colortbl fancyhdr
boxedminipage mathtools etoolbox eso-pic fontspec
chngcntr pifont footmisc float graphicx
geometry siunitx glossaries floatrow helvet
longtable xfrac idxlayout multirow hyperref
newfloat imakeidx subcaption lipsum
parskip makeidx tabularray lastpage
sectsty nameref tabularx lettrine
titlesec refcount tikz menukeys
tocloft xcolor nowidow
truncate ragged2e
wrapfig relsize

If using TeX Live or MiKTeX, all required packages can be installed via package managers.

Examples ✂️

A selection of examples showcasing the structure and style of this extensive 762-page thesis:

Image 1
Front Page
Image 2
Reading Guide
Image 3
Image 4
Table of Contents
Image 5
List of Figures
Image 6
List of Maps
Image 7
List of Tables
Image 8
Image 9
Captatio Benevolentiae
Image 10
Image 11
Image 12
Image 13
Chapter Table of Contents
Image 14
Chapter Graphical Abstract
Image 15
Chapter Abstract
Image 16
Chapter Introduction
Image 17
Chapter Valorization
Image 18
Chapter Bibliography
Image 19
Image 20
Image 21
Image 22
Image 23
Image 24
Back Cover

Future Improvements 🚧

Here is a non-exhaustive list of key improvements that should be prioritized to make this exploratory code more efficient and cleaner:

❌ Replace \include{} with \subfile{} to enable optimized compilation with more features;
❌ Automate \index{} while ensuring that all authors and collaborators for each reference are included;
❌ Enhance custom \newcommand{} to avoid code repetition, for example, by customizing author citations or table parameters;
❌ Provide a front page directly coded in LaTeX.

Contact 💬

For any questions or contributions, feel free to contact me via GitHub Issues or email.

Contributors 🤝

Dylan Moinse
Dylan Moinse

Alain L'Hostis
Alain L'Hostis

Jorge Mariano
Original template
Iñigo Aguas Ardaiz
Iñigo Aguas Ardaiz



This repository contains the LaTeX source files for my submitted PhD thesis (Version 1), structured to ensure clean formatting, efficient compilation, and easy customization.








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