A multivariate approach on Income Decomposition
This is a first implementation of the research on Earning Dynamics modeling improvement, which models the dynamics of an earning process. Here we implement an multi-variate approach.
yit = αi + pit + τit
pit = φppit−1 + ξit,
τit = θ(L)�it
yit: is individual i’s log-earnings (residuals) at time t;
pit: is the permanent component (random walk if φp = 1);
τit: is the transitory component: MA(1), ARMA(1,1), AR(1), or iid;
αi: is an individual fixed effect
We pre-train an MARIMA model to obtain a full AR and MA coefficients of the multi-variate process.
Then, we train the model with p,q,d (1,0,1) as shown in the literacy.
We have that a model of the permanent effect of the shock is equivalent to a Random Walk model first order of differentiation, we simulate this with the previously obtained model and thus we obtain this resource.