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This is the PHP REST SDK to easily connect to an ePages shop. You can use it as a developer to develop apps for ePages. Just # for the ePages Developer Program and create a free developer test shop.


To use this SDK, you'll need:

  • at least PHP 7.0

All dependencies comes automatically with the client and could be updated via composer.

Installation via composer

Its easy to get the client via Composer. Just search for epages/rest-sdk and put this to you composer.yml file:

   "require": {
      "epages/rest-sdk": ">=0.2"


You can configure it with putting a config.json into you main directory. Just copy the config.example.json from GitHub or create a new one:

    "Client": {
        "host": "",
        "shop": "shopName",
        "isSSL": true,
        "userAgent": "UserAgent",
        "token": "TheTokenIfExists"
    "Logger": {
        "level": "ERROR",
        "output": "SCREEN"

Version information

The following information are provided with the ePages REST SDK until now.

Feature GET PUT POST DELETE PATCH information
carts ?
categories - - ?
currencies - - - ?
legal - - - ? won't do, it's not needed
legal/contact-information - - ?
legal/privacy-policy - - ?
legal/rights-of-withdrawal - - ?
legal/shipping-information - - ?
legal/terms-and-condition - - ?
locales - - - ?
products - - ?
products//custom-attributes - - . ?
products//stock-level - - ?
products/export - - - ?
sales ?
search/product-suggest - - - ?
shipping-methods - - - ?

Code examples

For code examples, see the examples folder.

Example Get 100 products

ep6\Logger::setLogLevel(ep6\LogLevel::NOTIFICATION);	// activate visible output

// set connection constants
$HOST		= "";
$SHOP		= "DemoShop";
$AUTHTOKEN	= "xyzxyzxyzxyzxyzxyzxyzxyz";
$ISSSL		= true;

// connect to shop
$shop = new ep6\Shop($HOST, $SHOP, $AUTHTOKEN, $ISSSL);

// use a product filter to search for products
$productFilter = new ep6\ProductFilter();
$products = $productFilter->getProducts();

// print the products
foreach ($products as $product) {

    echo "<h2>" . htmlentities($product->getName()) . "</h2>";
    echo "<p>";
    echo "<img style=\"float:left\" src=\"" . $product->getSmallImage()->getOriginURL() . "\"/>";
    echo "<strong>ProductID:</strong> " . $product->getID() . "<br/>";
    echo "<strong>Description:</strong> " . htmlentities($product->getDescription()) . "<br/><br/>";
    echo "<strong>This product is ";
    if (!$product->isForSale()) {
        echo "NOT ";
    echo "for sale and is ";
    if ($product->isSpecialOffer()) {
        echo "<u>a</u> ";
    else {
        echo "not a ";
    echo "special offer.</strong>";
    echo "</p><hr style=\"clear:both\"/>";

Example Retrieve shop information

ep6\Logger::setLogLevel(ep6\LogLevel::NOTIFICATION);	//activate visible output

// set connection constants
$HOST		= "";
$SHOP		= "DemoShop";
$AUTHTOKEN	= "xyzxyzxyzxyzxyzxyzxyzxyz";
$ISSSL		= true;

// connect to shop
$shop = new ep6\Shop($HOST, $SHOP, $AUTHTOKEN, $ISSSL);

// prints the default currency and localization
echo $shop->getDefaultLocales();
echo $shop->getDefaultCurrencies();

// prints the name of the contact information in default language and in german
$contactInformation = $shop->getContactInformation();
echo $contactInformation->getDefaultName();
echo $contactInformation->getName();



The library comes with a huge Logger called ep6\Logger. To use this (instead of the echo command) write

ep6\Logger::force("Print this!");

The force printer also can print arrays in a simple structure.

By default all notification messages are printed. To change this use:

ep6\Logger::setLogLevel(ep6\LogLevel::NOTIFICATION);	// shows all messages
ep6\Logger::setLogLevel(ep6\LogLevel::WARNING);			// shows warning and error messages
ep6\Logger::setLogLevel(ep6\LogLevel::ERROR);			// shows only error messages
ep6\Logger::setLogLevel(ep6\LogLevel::NONE);			// don't log anything


To validate data and check the value of an object there is a InputValidator class:


You can find all InputValidator functions in the documentation

Function reference

The complete reference is located here.


The code is available under the terms of the MIT License.