Janeway plugin to deposit to eScholarship
add_arks <journal-code> <import-file>
- adds arks and dois to articles in a given journal from a jschol export filearticle_from_eschol <ark>
- Retrieves and prints a given article from escholarship via graphql api (used for testing otherwise not useful)article_to_eschol <article-id>
- If eschol API is configured send the given article to escholarship via the configured API endpoint. Else print the API call to output.issue_to_eschol <issue_id>
- sends an entire issue including cover image and all articles to eScholarship.mint_provisional_id
- Used for testingwithdraw_article
- Not used or tested
EscholArticle -- Should exist for every article that exists in eScholarship contains, ark, date_published from janeway, is_doi_registered, doi_result_text, source_name (for articles that originated in ojs this should be ojs if it's blank it will default to janeway)
Journal Units
- Journal
- Unit -- should be the unit code in escholarship. If no journal unit exists for a journal the
field in the journal will be used by default- Default css url (optional) -- CSS link that will be added to every HTML file generated from XML. It's only relevent for HTML journals. All css files that are included directly with articles will also be included and sent to eScholarship but this allows admin to have the same externally hosted file included for all articles. (used by Glossa)
There is a test suite written as standard django test cases. The following command will run the tests. You must install the plugin in a directory called "eschol"
manage.py test eschol
coverage run --source=src/plugins/eschol/ --omit=src/plugins/eschol/migrations/*,src/plugins/eschol/tests/* src/manage.py test eschol
For now we are excluding a number of pylint rules due to the amount of work it would take to fix them or because I'm not convinced that I agree with the rule. We will improve this over time.
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=core.settings pylint --load-plugins pylint_django --disable=missing-function-docstring,missing-module-docstring,missing-class-docstring,multiple-statements,too-many-arguments,too-many-locals,too-many-branches,too-many-statements,multiple-imports,too-many-return-statements --ignore=migrations src/plugins/eschol/
If you want to test this plugin from a local janeway dev environment to a local escholAPI instance you should set:
ESCHOL_API_URL = 'http://host.docker.internal:4001/graphql'
Install Django Q [https://django-q.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html]
Add to
# other apps
'name': 'DjangORM',
'workers': 4,
'timeout': 3600, # 1 hour
'retry': 4000, # must be longer than timeout
'queue_limit': 50,
'bulk': 10,
'orm': 'default'
python src/manage.py migrate django_q
- service run by eye