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Fix for Spatial Alignment mismatch issue (#147)
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* get_aoi_indexes, get_queries, get_aoi_info, and references grid_reference class to account for different projections and coordinate reference systems between macav2metdata and a provided aoi shapefile

* updated grid_reference class to original listing. this is not the spatial alignment issue.

* updated grid_reference class to pull lat/lon vector from THREDDS for default initialization

* Added error check in get_aoi_indexes

* Updated get_aoi_indices error message

* Added comment with details for URL to get met data

* Fixed missing ) in get_aoi_indices

* updated aoi indexes, added function for aoi lat/lon, updated aoi_info for consistency

* deleted old code after testing fix

* fixed floating parentheical

* fixed errors during github check

* added check on CRS before transform

* crs syntax update

* crs syntax cleanup

* crs syntax cleanup for github check

* fix crop() and mask() library call for github syntax check

* fix extent() library call for github syntax check

* fixed typo in if statements to match crs

* added test of AOI extent to CFT data extent

* removing aoi_reproject typo for github check

* removing aoi_reproject typo for github check

* fix library reference for function raster()

* fixed expect_true() statement
  • Loading branch information
DrWKID authored Jul 20, 2021
1 parent 2917cc9 commit eef47cf
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Showing 4 changed files with 158 additions and 55 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion R/cftdata.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ cftdata <- function(aoi,
arg_ref <- Argument_Reference()

# Match coordinate systems
aoi <- sp::spTransform(aoi, grid_ref$crs)
aoi <- sp::spTransform(aoi, sp::CRS(grid_ref$crs))

# Get geographic information about the aoi
if (verbose) print("Building area of interest grid...")
Expand Down
53 changes: 35 additions & 18 deletions R/reference.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,25 +11,42 @@ Grid_Reference <- methods::setRefClass(
ntime_model = "numeric"

# Assumed projection from MACAv2-METDATA from the Folder: "Multivariate Adaptive
# Constructed Analogs (MACA) CMIP5 Statistically Downscaled Data for
# Coterminous USA" found at
# geographic details found here:
methods = list(
initialize = function(crs = "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84",
extent = list("latmin" = 25.0631,
"latmax" = 49.3960,
"lonmin" = -124.7722,
"lonmax" = -67.0648),
resolution = 0.04166575,
nlat = 585,
nlon = 1386,
ntime_historical = 20453,
ntime_model = 34332) {
crs <<- crs
resolution <<- resolution
extent <<- extent
lats <<- extent$latmin + (1:nlat) * resolution
lons <<- extent$lonmin + (1:nlon) * resolution
ntime_historical <<- ntime_historical
ntime_model <<- ntime_model
initialize = function(crs = "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +init=epsg:4326",
extent = list("latmin" = 25.0631,"latmax" = 49.3960,
"lonmin" = -124.7722,"lonmax" = -67.0648),
resolution = 0.0417, nlat = 585, nlon = 1386,
ntime_historical = 20453,ntime_model = 34332){
crs <<- crs
resolution <<- resolution
extent <<- extent

# if we assume default initialization pull lat/lon
# from thredds server
if (crs == "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +init=epsg:4326" &
extent$latmin == 25.0631 & extent$latmax == 49.3960 &
extent$lonmin == -124.7722 & extent$lonmax == -67.0648 &
resolution == 0.0417){
nc <-"",
nc_data <-
lats <<- as.vector(nc_data$lat)
lons <<- as.vector(nc_data$lon)
lats <<- extent$latmin + (1:nlat) * resolution
lons <<- extent$lonmin + (1:nlon) * resolution

ntime_historical <<- ntime_historical
ntime_model <<- ntime_model

Expand Down
138 changes: 102 additions & 36 deletions R/subsetting.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,23 +1,30 @@

#' Title
#' @param aoi
#' @param grid_ref
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
get_aoi_indexes <- function(aoi, grid_ref) {
# get all grid cells within grid_ref that cover the area of interest (AOI)

# Extract the bounding box of the area of interest
lonmin <- aoi@bbox[1, 1]
lonmax <- aoi@bbox[1, 2]
latmin <- aoi@bbox[2, 1]
latmax <- aoi@bbox[2, 2]
# Match coordinate systems
if (!raster::compareCRS(raster::crs(aoi),raster::crs(grid_ref$crs),verbatim=TRUE)){
aoi <- sp::spTransform(aoi, raster::crs(grid_ref$crs))}

# Calculate differences between bounding box and target grid coordinates
lonmindiffs <- abs(grid_ref$lons - lonmin)
lonmaxdiffs <- abs(grid_ref$lons - lonmax)
latmindiffs <- abs(grid_ref$lats - latmin)
latmaxdiffs <- abs(grid_ref$lats - latmax)
#Get cropped latitude and longitude vectors
cropped_lats_lons_list <- get_aoi_latlon_vectors(aoi,grid_ref)
lats_vector <- cropped_lats_lons_list$lats
lons_vector <- cropped_lats_lons_list$lons

# Find the index positions of the closest grid coordinates to the aoi extent
x1 <- match(lonmindiffs[lonmindiffs == min(lonmindiffs)], lonmindiffs)
x2 <- match(lonmaxdiffs[lonmaxdiffs == min(lonmaxdiffs)], lonmaxdiffs)
y1 <- match(latmindiffs[latmindiffs == min(latmindiffs)], latmindiffs)
y2 <- match(latmaxdiffs[latmaxdiffs == min(latmaxdiffs)], latmaxdiffs)
# Find the index positions of the closest grid coordinates in grid_ref to the aoi extent
x1 <- match(min(lons_vector),grid_ref$lons)
x2 <- match(max(lons_vector),grid_ref$lons)
y1 <- match(min(lats_vector),grid_ref$lats)
y2 <- match(max(lats_vector),grid_ref$lats)

# Create a list with each required grid index position
index_pos <- list("y1" = y1, "y2" = y2, "x1" = x1, "x2" = x2)
Expand All @@ -26,44 +33,89 @@ get_aoi_indexes <- function(aoi, grid_ref) {

get_aoi_latlon_vectors <- function(aoi,grid_ref){
# Get latitudes and longitude vectors clipped to area of interest (aoi)

# Match coordinate systems
if (!raster::compareCRS(raster::crs(aoi),raster::crs(grid_ref$crs),verbatim=TRUE)){
aoi <- sp::spTransform(aoi, raster::crs(grid_ref$crs))}

# Get Latitude and Longitude vectors
lats <- grid_ref$lats
lons <- grid_ref$lons

# create 2 x 2 matrix for bounding box
grid_ref_extent_matrix <- rbind(c(min(lons), max(lons)), c(min(lats), max(lats)))

# create a latitude and longitude matrix of size grid_ref
lats_matrix <- matrix(rep(rev(lats),each=length(lons)),ncol=length(lons),byrow=TRUE)
lons_matrix <- matrix(rep(lons,each=length(lats)),nrow=length(lats))

# Now create latitude raster and flatten to single vector
r_lat <- raster::raster(ncols = length(grid_ref$lons), nrows = length(grid_ref$lats))
raster::crs(r_lat) <- raster::crs(grid_ref$crs)
raster::extent(r_lat) <- raster::extent(grid_ref_extent_matrix)
r_lat <- raster::setValues(r_lat,values = lats_matrix)
r2 <-raster::crop(r_lat,raster::extent(aoi))
r2_matrix <- methods::as(r2, "matrix")
lats_vector <- r2_matrix[,1]

# Now create longitude raster and flatten to single vector
r_lon <- raster::raster(ncols = length(grid_ref$lons), nrows = length(grid_ref$lats))
raster::crs(r_lon) <- raster::crs(grid_ref$crs)
raster::extent(r_lon) <- raster::extent(grid_ref_extent_matrix)
r_lon <- raster::setValues(r_lon,values = lons_matrix)
r2 <-raster::crop(r_lon,raster::extent(aoi))
r2_matrix <- methods::as(r2, "matrix")
lons_vector <- r2_matrix[1,]

cropped_lats_lons <- list(lats=lats_vector,lons=lons_vector)


get_aoi_info <- function(aoi, grid_ref) {
# Get relative index positions to full grid
# slight buffering of extent allows us to handle points
if (class(aoi) == "SpatialPointsDataFrame") {
orig_crs <- raster::projection(aoi)
# buffering is only possible in projected coordinate systems
proj_aoi <- sp::spTransform(aoi, sp::CRS("+init=epsg:5070"))
extended_aoi <- rgeos::gBuffer(proj_aoi, width=.1)
extended_aoi <- sp::spTransform(extended_aoi, orig_crs)
} else {
extended_aoi = aoi
proj_aoi <- sp::spTransform(aoi, raster::crs("+init=epsg:5070"))
aoi <- rgeos::gBuffer(proj_aoi, width=.1) #why 0.1? what units?
aoi <- sp::spTransform(aoi, raster::crs(orig_crs))
index_pos <- get_aoi_indexes(extended_aoi, grid_ref)

# Match coordinate systems
if (!raster::compareCRS(raster::crs(aoi),raster::crs(grid_ref$crs),verbatim=TRUE)){
aoi <- sp::spTransform(aoi, raster::crs(grid_ref$crs))}

# Get bounding indices within grid_ref matrix
index_pos <- get_aoi_indexes(aoi, grid_ref)
y1 <- index_pos[["y1"]]
y2 <- index_pos[["y2"]]
x1 <- index_pos[["x1"]]
x2 <- index_pos[["x2"]]

# Get list of lats and lons
# Get list of latitudes and longitudes from grid_ref
lons <- grid_ref$lons
lats <- grid_ref$lats
res <- grid_ref$resolution
ny <- (y2 - y1)
nx <- (x2 - x1)
latmin <- extended_aoi@bbox[2, 1]
lonmin <- extended_aoi@bbox[1, 1]
aoilats <- latmin + (0:ny) * res
aoilons <- lonmin + (0:nx) * res

# create 2 x 2 matrix for bounding box
grid_ref_extent_matrix <- rbind(c(min(lons), max(lons)), c(min(lats), max(lats)))

# Now create a mask as a matrix
r <- raster::raster(ncols = length(aoilons), nrows = length(aoilats))
raster::extent(r) <- raster::extent(extended_aoi)
r <- raster::rasterize(aoi, r, field = 1)
mask_grid <- r * 0 + 1
r <- raster::raster(ncols = length(lons), nrows = length(lats))
raster::crs(r) <- raster::crs(grid_ref$crs)
raster::extent(r) <- raster::extent(grid_ref_extent_matrix)
r <- raster::setValues(r,values = matrix(1, dim(r)[1], dim(r)[2]))
r2 <-raster::crop(r,raster::extent(aoi))
mask_grid <-raster::mask(r2,aoi)
mask_matrix <- methods::as(mask_grid, "matrix")

# Package all of this into one object
aoi_info <- list("aoilats" = aoilats,
"aoilons" = aoilons,
aoi_info <- list("aoilats" = lats[y1:y2],
"aoilons" = lons[x1:x2],
"mask_matrix" = mask_matrix,
"resolution" = res)

Expand All @@ -87,6 +139,20 @@ get_queries <- function(aoi, area_name, years, models, parameters, scenarios,
ntime_hist <- grid_ref$ntime_historical
ntime_model <- grid_ref$ntime_model

# Match coordinate systems
if (raster::compareCRS(raster::crs(aoi),raster::crs(grid_ref$crs),verbatim=TRUE)){
aoi <- sp::spTransform(aoi, raster::crs(grid_ref$crs))}

# Get relative index positions to full grid
# slight buffering of extent allows us to handle points
if (class(aoi) == "SpatialPointsDataFrame") {
orig_crs <- raster::projection(aoi)
# buffering is only possible in projected coordinate systems
proj_aoi <- sp::spTransform(aoi, raster::crs("+init=epsg:5070"))
aoi <- rgeos::gBuffer(proj_aoi, width=.1) #Why 0.1? What units?
aoi <- sp::spTransform(aoi, orig_crs)

# Get relative index positions to full grid
index_pos <- get_aoi_indexes(aoi, grid_ref)
y1 <- index_pos[["y1"]]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -143,7 +209,7 @@ get_queries <- function(aoi, area_name, years, models, parameters, scenarios,
file_name <- paste(c(param, area_name, model, ensemble, rcp,
"macav2metdata", as.character(start_year),
as.character(end_year), "daily.tif"),
collapse = "_")
collapse = "_")

# Build the temporal and spatial subsets
if (is_historical) {
Expand Down
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions tests/testthat/test-cftdata.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,3 +36,23 @@ test_that("A cftdata run with a point aoi works", {
scenarios = "rcp85")

test_that("AOI is in CFT data range", {
pt <- sp::SpatialPointsDataFrame(
coords = data.frame(lon = -77, lat = 39),
data = data.frame(id = 1),
proj4string = sp::CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))

file_refs <- cftdata(aoi = pt,
area_name = "wolftrap",
parameters = "tasmax",
years = c(2000, 2001),
models = "CCSM4",
scenarios = "rcp85")

test <- raster::raster(file_refs$local_path)
test_extent_matrix <- rbind(c(round(test@extent@xmin), round(test@extent@xmax)),
c(round(test@extent@ymin), round(test@extent@ymax)))

expect_true(length(which(pt@bbox != test_extent_matrix)) == 0)

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