Dashboard the environment data of an office and alerts when parameters enter unhealthy ranges.
npm install
npm install -g http-server
npm install -g webpack
npm install -g eslint
npm install -g eslint-config-airbnb
npm install -g eslint-plugin-react
npm install -g babel-eslint
webpack -w
npm test
npm run test-watch
http-server build/
Browse to http://localhost:8080 or 8081
Any code merged into the develop branch and pushed to the Github repository will be built on Wercker and then, if successful, deployed to Heroku staging environment.
[ develop branch ] => [Wercker pipeline] => [ Heroku staging ]
Browse to https://amar2000-client-staging.herokuapp.com/
Promote the code that has been deployed to staging to the production environment by using the Heroku web app.
[ Heroku staging ] => [ Heroku production ]
Browse to https://amar2000-client.herokuapp.com/
Note: all deployments can be rollbacked on the Heroku web app.
Create a tag with a version vX.Y.Z, following the canonical versioning rules.
Make sure the package.json file is changed accordingly with the correct version before deploying to the master branch and tagging it.
git tag -a v1.0.0 -m "Version deployed at the end of the Hackaton that launched this app."
git push --tags
In your settings.json (User Settings), the following can be set to lint this project inline:
"jshint.enable": false,
"eslint.enable": true,
"editor.tabSize": 2
You will also need to install the following plugins:
ext install eslint
Optionally, since this project is Wallaby enabled, you can install it:
ext install wallaby
- https://dev.netatmo.com/doc/authentication/usercred
- https://github.com/fraserxu/react-chartist
- http://www.buroepn.nl/ventilatie/co2-en-het-vergaderruimte-effect
Currently being developed: v1.0.1
- creation of a staging environment
- post install step in package.json to run webpack
- Wercker continuous integration and deployment to Staging
- Heroku final deployment to Production
- refactoring of dev and live dependencies to fit the post install step
- removal of all build files from repos
- range parameters moved to constants.js instead of hardcoded magic numbers
- font name refactoring
- robots.txt file
- refactoring of Javascript to meet linting rules
- readme documentation updated
- initial mvp version