Python X-ray Spectral Interpretation System
Toy python code for manipulating high resolution X-ray spectra. The documentation webpages are available here:
Click here for presentation slides about pyXsis
This python library owes it's inspiration to the Interactive Spectral Interpretation System written by J. Houck and J. Davis (creator of S-lang), as well as long-time users and contributors M. Nowak, J. Wilms, and the group at Remeis Observatory. Thank you also to the entire Chandra HETG group at MIT for personal help throughout the years with interpreting high resolution X-ray spectra.
This library also directly utilizes code from the clarsach repo written by Daniela Huppenkothen, which reverse-engineered the response file treatment provided by the standard high energy software package, XSPEC.
You must have Astropy and Specutils installed.
Download and install pyXsis from the Github repository:
git clone
cd pyxsis
python install
To run the test notebooks in pyxsis/tests/notebooks, you will need to download the test HETG data.
First, download the tar ball from
Next, copy the downloaded file to your pyxsis folder and unpack the tar ball:
tar -xvf pyxsis_test_data.tar
You're now ready to run the notebooks!
- Numpy Version 1.19
- Astropy Version 4.2
- Specutils Version 1.2
- Matplotlib Version 3.3.4
import pyxsis
my_spectrum ='my_Chandra_HETG_file.pha')
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
ax = plt.subplot(111)
pyxsis.plot_counts(ax, my_spectrum, xunit='keV')
These instructions teach you how to create an Anaconda environment for pyXsis development.
conda create -n pyxsis-dev python=3
source activate pyxsis-dev
conda install numpy scipy matplotlib astropy specutils
Now clone and install pyXsis.
git clone
cd pyxsis
python develop
If you use Jupyter notebooks, you can install the conda environment as a separate kernel, using the ipykernel
conda install ipykernel
python -m ipykernel install --user --name pyxsis-dev --display-name "pyxsis-dev"
When you are done playing with pyXsis, you can exit out the conda environment with:
source deactivate