Pan-sharpening is a process of merging high-resolution panchromatic and lower resolution multispectral imagery to create a single high-resolution color image.
This processing service uses Landsat panchromatic band at 15 meter resolution to provide greater detail in the Landsat red, green and blue bands (4-3-2).
This processing services uses GDAL and the Orfeo Toolbox.
The Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL) is an open source library for reading and writing raster and vector geospatial data formats.
Orfeo Toolbox (OTB) is an open source library for remote sensing image processing funded by the CNES (french space agency).
- Getting Started
- Installation
- Submitting the workflow
- Community and Documentation
- Authors
- Questions, bugs, and suggestions
- License
- Funding
To run this application you will need a Developer Cloud Sandbox that can be requested at support (at)
A Developer Cloud Sandbox provides Earth Sciences data access services, and helper tools for a user to implement, test and validate a scalable data processing application. It offers a dedicated virtual machine and a Cloud Computing environment. The virtual machine runs in two different lifecycle modes: Sandbox mode and Cluster mode. Used in Sandbox mode (single virtual machine), it supports cluster simulation and user assistance functions in building the distributed application. Used in Cluster mode (a set of master and slave nodes), it supports the deployment and execution of the application with the power of distributed computing for data processing over large datasets (leveraging the Hadoop Streaming MapReduce technology).
Installing OTB and other dependencies
This services requires OTB, ImageMagick and XML Starlet
To install these packages, run the simple steps below on the Developer Cloud Sandbox shell:
sudo yum install -y OTB
sudo yum install -y ImageMagick
sudo yum install -y xmlstarlet
Log on the Developer Cloud Sandbox.
Download the rpm package from
Install the downloaded package by running these commands in a shell:
sudo yum -y install dcs-landsat8-pansharpening-<version>.x86_64.rpm
At this stage there are no releases yet
Install the pre-requisites as instructed above.
Log on the Developer Cloud Sandbox and run these commands in a shell:
git clone
cd dcs-landsat8-pansharpening
mvn install
To submit the application with its default parameters, run the command below in the Developer Cloud Sandbox shell:
Or invoke the Web Processing Service via the Sandbox dashboard providing the catalogue references to the Landat 8 data to process.
To learn more and find information go to
- Brito Fabrice
- Rossi Cesare
Please file any bugs or questions as issues or send in a pull request if you corrected any.
Copyright 2016 Terradue Srl
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0:
The ECOPOTENTIAL project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 641762