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Samuel Imfeld edited this page Jul 2, 2023 · 1 revision

Kubernetes Monitoring Stack

If you have deployed to a DOKS (Digital Ocean Kubernetes, see deployment instructions) you can make use of their Kubernetes Monitoring Stack available from the Marketplace. This will deploy Prometheus Operator, Grafana and Alertmanager.

PostgreSQL data source

By default only Prometheus is configured as a data source in Grafana. You can add a PostgreSQL data source so that you can query the database directly from Grafana. Use the database connection credentials from your PostgresSQL instance and provide a CA certificate if necessary (choose verify-ca as 'TLS/SSL Mode' and supply the certificate into 'TLS/SSL Root Certificate'). It is recommended to use a database user with read-only permissions.


Configuring Service Monitors for Prometheus

You can add additional monitoring targets by following the instructions here. A more in-depth explanation is available here.

To update the kube-prometheus-stack helm Chart with your additional service monitor configuration you can use the following command:

helm upgrade kube-prometheus-stack prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack \
--version <HELM_CHART_VERSION> --namespace kube-prometheus-stack -f prometheus-values-<environment>.yml

where HELM_CHART_VERSION matches the currently deployed version of your kube-prometheus-stack Chart and environment is one of dev, staging or prod.

The current values.yml of the deployed Chart can be retrieved with:

helm get values -n kube-prometheus-stack kube-prometheus-stack

Uninstalling the helm Chart

You can uninstall the monitoring stack with

helm uninstall kube-prometheus-stack -n kube-prometheus-stack
kubectl delete ns kube-prometheus-stack

Additionally, the corresponding CRDs need to be deleted as documented in