This a application on which user can play the game called Hangman. Built with ASP.NET CORE (Backend) and React (Frontend). Basically a word guessing game in which a user is presented with a hidden word and he/she has to guess the word within a fixed number of attempts (5). The words to be guessed are randomly selected from the file XML called "Word.xml -> Hangman.Infrastructure" (each word has to be on node <word> of Word.xml file)
Begin by cloning the project repository onto your local computer:
git clone
The application is divided into two projects
- Install Visual Studio 2017 or whatever is the latest.
- Go onto File and then Open Project.
- Browse to this project folder (backend).
- CLick open a solution (Hangman.WebApp.sln) and then click on debug in Visual Studio.
- This necessary run this project first, then, execute the project SPA (React) following instructions below
- Install Node JS 12.9.1 or whatever is the latest.
- Install Visual Studio Code
- Go onto File and then Open Folder.
- Browse to this project folder (frontend).
- Open command prompt from Visual Studio Code and execute (npm install)
- After install execute (npm start)