[Pull 5636 ] - Allow long content length in the JDK connector
[Pull 5639 ] - Allow having multiple annotations for multipart endpoint with @FormDataParam in any order
[Pull 5642 ] - Remove synchronized from Apache stream wrappers
[Pull 5643 ] - Document Multipart Configuration.
[Pull 5644 ] - Refactoring Maven build process
[Pull 5648 ] - Support for Virtual Threads in Executor Services
[Pull 5649 ] - MAX_HEADER_SIZE for the Netty connector
[Pull 5652 ] - Unify the SniConfigurator with other branches
[Pull 5664 ] - More release checks
[Pull 5665 ] - update Jackson to 2.17.1
[Pull 5666 ] - [2.x] mvn build improvements
[Pull 5669 ] - prevent calling ServletRequest#getInputStream if FILTER_FORWARD_ON_404
[Pull 5673 ] - Support missing Content-Length header
[Pull 5677 ] - Prevent blowing connections number for reoccurring SSLContextFatories
[Pull 5685 ] - Better explanation of missing jersey-hk2 module consequences.
[Pull 5688 ] - Wrap call of deprecated HttpServletResponse#setStatus into try catch
[Pull 5689 ] - Support Multipart with Buffered Entity and Netty Connector
[Pull 5690 ] - Prevent NPE in micrometer when there is no response & 404
[Pull 5698 ] - Last-Modified header is garbled when accessing wadl document on Japanese locale
[Pull 5705 ] - Allow ChunkedInput#close to close the underlying stream
[Pull 5706 ] - Propagate WebApplicationException from SseEventSource to provided error handler
[Pull 5707 ] - Fix intermittent failure in BroadcasterExecutorTest
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