- Introduction
- Getting help
- Features
- Getting started
- Overview of the schematics commands
- Documentation
- License
This repository contains a bundle of Angular schematics that may be used to create Angular components and generate code based on RDF aspect module object.
Are you having trouble with SDK JS? We want to help!
- Check the developer documentation
- Having issues with the ESMF SDK JS schematics? Open a GitHub issue.
The schematics' collection for this package includes dynamic generation of:
- internationalization, using i18n.
- custom table components based on any aspect model loaded.
- proper types of properties and entities used.
- default configurations can be set in config file even if they are not asked in the prompter
- This library is also an open source project and can be found at: https://github.com/eclipse-esmf/esmf-sdk-js-aspect-model-loader (no action required, this library is already included in SDK schematics)
TTl files can be generated using the open source project: Aspect Model Editor (https://github.com/eclipse-esmf/esmf-sdk) Aspect Model Editor project uses ESMF Samm Aspect Meta model (https://github.com/eclipse-esmf/esmf-semantic-aspect-meta-model)
In order to generate code based on the available schematics, the following steps must be taken:
Install node (LTS version).
Schematics are part of the Angular ecosystem so angular-cli must be installed by running this command in a terminal: Run
npm install -g @angular/cli@18
To create an Angular application without generating a new project structure that lacks app.module.ts and other essential files, use the --no-standalone flag. This approach ensures the creation of a fully structured Angular project. Execute the following command in your terminal: Run
ng new <your-project-name> --no-standalone
For more info on schematics, use the following command:
ng generate @esmf/semantic-ui-schematics:<schematics-name> --help
The semantics-ui-schematics
is a plain typescript project that is used to execute schematics, based on user decision.
- create a new folder, preferably outside of
folder - create a new project using (custom project name may be used):
ng new demo-schematic
cd demo-schematic
- run (if not already installed):
npm install -g @angular-devkit/schematics-cli@18
Optionally add some .ttl files in the same folder in order to use in the schema generation process. The schematic generator will ask for a path to one or more .ttl files
Install and run the command to generate the component, table in this case (do not use Git Bash, preferably use idea terminal, (Windows) command promt or other (Linux/Mac) terminal)
NOTE: Please enter the desired version under {Version}.
npm install --save-dev https://github.com/eclipse-esmf/esmf-sdk-js-schematics/releases/download/v{Version}/esmf-semantic-ui-schematics-{Version}.tgz
ng generate @esmf/semantic-ui-schematics:table
or if you have sdk schematics project installed locally run:
ng generate ..\<folder of the scheamtics project>\src\collection.json:table --dry-run=false
then pass the .ttl file/s paths from step 4
when prompted.
A new component should be generated under :
with resolved dependencies.
For a list of available schematics and details use:
schematics @esmf/semantic-ui-schematics:<schematics-name> --help
where <schematics-name>
can be replaced by:
- table
- card
- form
- i18n
- types
- add translations
ng generate @esmf/semantic-ui-schematics:i18n
or if you have sdk schematics project installed locally run:
ng generate ..\<folder of the scheamtics project>\src\collection.json:i18n --dry-run=false
A new command should be added in package.json inside scripts section: "combine-i18n"
Run combine-i18n command:
npm run combine-i18n
And in assets folder an i18n folder should be generated. And i18n folder should contain the translations json files: en.movement-table.translation.json, en.json.
- add environment files
ng generate environments
This angular schematic can be used to generate TypeScript type definitions from a concrete aspect model. These TypeScript type definitions assist developers in writing type-safe code when writing Angular web applications dealing with aspect models.
Although this part is included in the table generation, it can also be used stand alone.
ng generate @esmf/semantic-ui-schematics:types
This command will interactively ask for a comma separated list of aspect model files in Turtle (Terse RDF Triple Language) format.
The TypeScript type definition files will be created in folder app/shared/types.
NOTE: The types schematics is automatically run inside the table generation process. This can be also run manually.
Aspect model: movement.ttl
File app/shared/types/movement.types.ts
export interface Movement {
isMoving: boolean;
speed: number;
speedLimitWarning: TrafficLight;
position: SpatialPosition;
export enum TrafficLight {
Green = 'green',
Yellow = 'yellow',
Red = 'red',
export interface SpatialPosition {
latitude: number;
longitude: number;
altitude?: number;
https://eclipse-esmf.github.io/ame-guide/modeling/operation.html Modeling Events The table schematics can be used for table generation. This is achieved by using the table provided in the angular material package.
NOTE: The JavaScript SDK does not automatically generate code for Operations and Events. If you need UI code that represents the Operations available for an aspect, or the Events that an aspect can trigger, you'll need to implement this manually. We welcome contributions and requests for enhancements. Please submit them at our GitHub issues page: GitHub issues. For additional guidance on modeling Operations and Events, visit our documentation pages on Modeling Operations and Modeling Events.
- Types generation
- Aspect model multiple version support
- Command bar
- Search filter for string properties
- Dropdown filter for enum properties
- Date-time filter for date-time properties
- Export functionality
- Refresh data functionality
- Custom actions
- Order of filter
- Single or multiple selection with checkboxes
- Event emitters exposed for click, double click, right click treated as context menu events
- Table generation for the entire aspect or just a property of user's choice
- Multiple aspect models selection
- Column ordering
- Default sorting column selection
- Removing properties from tables header
- Select if translations should be generated for removed properties.
- Column pop-up selection for showing/hiding the columns header after table generation
- Wizard output to regenerate the same table without going through the wizard again
- JSON access path
- Custom actions for a row in the table
- Pagination
- Client or remote data handling
- Possibility to add a custom service which can or cannot be overridden when generating the same component again
The card schematics can be used for card generation. This is achieved by using the card provided in the angular material package.
- Types generation
- Aspect model multiple version support
- Command bar
- Search filter for string properties
- Dropdown filter for enum properties
- Date-time filter for date-time properties
- Export functionality
- Refresh data functionality
- Custom actions
- Order of filter
- Event emitters exposed for click, double click, right click treated as context menu events
- Card generation for the entire aspect or just a property of user's choice
- Multiple aspect models selection
- Default card sorting actions
- Select if translations should be generated for removed properties.
- Wizard output to regenerate the same card without going through the wizard again
- JSON access path
- Custom actions for a card
- Pagination
- Client or remote data handling
- Custom card content to create your own preferences
- Possibility to add a custom service which can or cannot be overridden when generating the same component again
The form schematics can be used for form generation.
- Types generation
- Aspect model multiple version support
- Form generation for the entire aspect or just an entity of user's choice
- Multiple aspect models selection
- Wizard output to regenerate the same form without going through the wizard again
- Possibility to set the form as read only
- Validation rules for form fields and groups (partial support)
Further documentation and howto's are provided in the official JS SDK User Documentation
SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
The Notice file details contained third party materials.