Service for accepting a DOI and returning a Journal ID and Crossref metadata for the DOI
This service accepts a journal DOI as a query parameter:
DOIs must contain a form like 10.1234/ ...
If a DOI is of a longer URL form containing the string
, then we truncate the DOI to take everything after
this substring.
The service validates the form of the doi - if it is valid, then we hit the Crossref API to get information about the
corresponding journal. We then check to see if there is a
object in PASS for this journal. If not we create one. The service then returns to the caller a JSON object
containing the journal-id
of the PASS journal, and a crossref
object representing the data returned to the service
as a result of the Crossref call.
The service will look for an environment variable called PASS_DOI_SERVICE_MAILTO to specify a value on the User-Agent
header on the Crossref request. If not present, the default is
. The service will require the following environment variables for the java client for Fedora if the
defaults are not to be used:
In addition these environment variables need to be present to translate internal Journal ids to the external form presented to clients:
This project will build it's own production ready Docker image locally, but will not automatically push the image. To build, run:
mvn install
This will run all tests and build the final Docker image with the tag: oapass/doi-service:${project.version}
. You can optionally retag the image with a custom tag:
docker tag <originalTag> <newTag>
# E.g. Building this project at version 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT, but create a tag for 0.1.0 version
docker tag oapass/doi-service:0.2.0-SNAPSHOT oapass/doi-service:0.1.0
When ready, you can manually push the Docker image to Docker Hub:
docker push <image>:<tag>
# E.g. Push the 0.1.0 version of the image
docker push oapass/doi-service:0.1.0