Course was ment to be the inhouse discord bot for DesignCourse(coursetro) but the owner and an admin lost the intrest so it's now just a standalone bot. Written by me @TitusEntertainment.
Note that the docs folder is simply for development purposes
To selfhost you will need the following:
Step 1
open a terminal and execute this command:
git clone
Step 2
cd into that directory
cd CourseBot
create a file called .env in the root foder this can be done with the command bellow (if your terminal allows it), if that does not work do it manually.
touch .env
Step 3
Open that file and paste in your token and your discord user id. Your file should look like this:
Step 4
install all the dependencies.
npm i
or if you use yarn
yarn install
Step 5
run the command:
npm run compile
or of if you use yarn
yarn run compile
This will compile the code for you.
Step 6
install pm2
npm i -G pm2
or if you use yarn
yarn global add pm2 --prefix /usr/local
start the bot
pm2 dist/bot/bot.js
if the bot does not start now make sure to double check all the previous steps.
Djs with this command you can search the discord.js documentation.
Akairo with this command you can search the official discord-akairo documentation
Mdn: with this command you can quickly search mdn for anything!
Npm: allows you to search for npm pacakges!
Channel: sends live data from the DesignCourse(coursetro) youtube channel
Guild: sends information about the current guild.
Help: quite explanitory but it sends a list of commands or a detailed list for a specified command.
Profile: sends information about that users digital profile. Includes such as userID and the amount of credits that user has
Ban: bans a specified user, clears two days worth of content sent by that user and allows the moderator to specify a reason for why they banned the specified user.
Kick: kicks a specified user and like the commands above it allows the moderator to specify a reason.
Unban: unbans a banned user, and allows moderator to specify a reason. Needs a valid userID to execute
Warn: warns a specified user and allows moderator to specify a reason.
Case: this command let's you edit a auto generated case that was created when some moderation commands are used. Note: cases can only be made if logging is on.
Note that all of these commands must be prefixed with setting. example: <prefix>setting <command> <argument>
Init: creates a database instance for that guild. note that this command is just a failsafe in case something went wrong in the process
log: allows user to either start or stop logging. note that logging is by default turned off
Channel: allows user to specify what channel the bot should log to. by default the bot will try to log to a channel with the name "modlogs"
Prefix: allows user the specify what prefix the bot should respond to in that specific guild.
note: to use any of these commands the syntax is <prefix>tag <command>
Add: adds a tag.
Delete: deletes a specified tag.
Edit: edits a specified tag.
List: sends a list of all tags.
Show: shows a specifed tag. Note: you can simply do <prefix>your-tags-name to see the tag.
DesignCourse(coursetro) -
Gary Simons youtube channel.
Titania Mothership -
My tutorial and development youtube channel.
Discord -
The Titania bot hub Discord server.
Discord.js -
The api wrapper.
Discord-akairo -
The framework used.
Runa © Titus.
Authored and maintained by Titus.
GitHub @TitusEntertainment