This Edlink JavaScript & TypeScript SDK is a NodeJS wrapper for the Edlink API.
You can find more thorough documentation on the Edlink SDK Docs.
Install the @edlink/typescript
package using npm
or yarn
yarn add @edlink/typescript
// Initialize with your Edlink application
// Your credentials can be found on the Edlink Dashboard
import { Edlink } from '@edlink/typescript';
const edlink = new Edlink({
version: 2,
client_id: '3a95a779-0ed1-499b-a352-9ea30d0bd5ea',
client_secret: '[...]'
Edlink.up().then(console.log); // Ok
// TokenSets are required to access protected resources
// Integration tokens do not expire and therefore dont have a `refresh_token`
// However be sure to store the the `refresh_token` for person token sets
// You are required to provide both when making requests on behalf of a person
export type TokenSet {
access_token: string;
refresh_token?: string;
expires_in?: number;
type: TokenSetType;
export enum TokenSetType = {
Integration = 'integration',
Person = 'person'
// Graph requests are even easier, just build a TokenSet from the values
// in the Edlink Dashboard
const integration_token_set = {
access_token: '[...]'
const district = await edlink.use(integration_token_set).districts.fetch('3a95a779-0ed1-499b-a352-9ea30d0bd5ea');
for await (const district of edlink.use(integration_token_set).districts.list()) {
// Authenticate a user
// First build your login url to provide to the user.
// This URL doesnt change and can be hardcoded if desired
* ?client_id=[...]
* &redirect_uri=[...]
* &state=[...]
* &response_type=code
// Optionally you may provide a state parameter for Endlink to
// passback to you upon authentication of the user
edlink.loginUrl({ redirect_uri: '' });
// When the user returns to your site you will be provided with a code
// e.g.[...]
// Provide this code with the matching `redirect_uri` to recieve a token set
// Store this entire object securely
// You will require more than just the access_token
const person_token_set = await edlink.auth.grant({
code: '[...]'.
redirect_uri: ''
// You can now make requests on behalf of this user
const profile = await edlink.use(person_token_set).my.profile();