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The NWChem User's Manual is now at https://nwchemgit.github.io/Home.html
If you have problems with compiling the tools directory, please visit the Global Arrays Google group at http://groups.google.com/group/hpctools or visit the Global Arrays website at http://hpc.pnl.gov/globalarrays/
Please post your NWChem issue to the NWChem forum hosted on Google Groups at https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/nwchem-forum
For updated instructions for compiling NWChem please visit the following URL https://nwchemgit.github.io/Compiling-NWChem.html
When compiling the tools directory, you might see the compilation stopping with the message
configure: error: could not compile simple C MPI program
This is most likely due to incorrect settings for the
environment variables. The
suggested course of action is to unset all of the
three variables above and point your PATH
env. variable to the
location of mpif90
. If bash is your shell choice, this can be
accomplished by typing
unset MPI_LIB
unset LIBMPI
export PATH="directory where mpif90 is located":$PATH
ARMCI is a library used by Global Arrays (both ARMCI and GA source code
is located in NWChem's tools directory). More information can be found
at the following URL http://hpc.pnl.gov/armci
If your installation
uses a fast network and you are aiming to get optimal communication
performance, you might want to assign a non-default value to
The following links contained useful information about
Have you used emacs to create your input file? Emacs usually does not put and an end-of-line as a last character of the file, therefore the NWChem input parser ignores the last line of your input (the one containing the task directive). To fix the problem, add one more blank line after the task line and your task directive will be executed.
If AUTOZ fails, NWChem will default to using Cartesian coordinates (and ignore any zcoord data) so you don't have to do anything unless you really need to use internal coordinates. An exception are certain cases where we have a molecule that contains a linear chain of 4 or more atoms, in which case the code will fail (see item 2. for work arounds). For small systems you can easily construct a Z-matrix, but for larger systems this can be quite hard.
First check your input. Are you using the correct units? The default is Angstroms. If you input atomic units but did not tell NWChem, then it's no wonder things are breaking. Also, is the geometry physically sensible? If atoms are too close to each other you'll get many unphysical bonds, whereas if they are too far apart AUTOZ will not be able to figure out how to connect things.
Once the obvious has been checked, there are several possible modes of failure, some of which may be worked around in the input.
- Strictly linear molecules with 3 or more atoms. AUTOZ does not generate linear bend coordinates, but, just as in a real Z-matrix, you can specify a dummy center that is not co-linear. There are two relevant tips:
- constrain the dummy center to be not co-linear otherwise the center could become co-linear. Also, the inevitable small forces on the dummy center can confuse the optimizer.
- put the dummy center far enough away so that only one connection is generated.
E.g., this input for acetylene will not use internals
h 0 0 0
c 0 0 1
c 0 0 2.2
h 0 0 3.2
but this one will
bond 2 3 3.0 cx constant
angle 1 2 3 90.0 hcx constant
h 0 0 0
c 0 0 1
x 3 0 1
c 0 0 2.2
h 0 0 3.2
Larger molecules that contain a strictly linear chain of four or more atoms (that ends in a free atom). For these molecules the autoz will fail and the code can currently not recover by using cartesians. One has to explicitly define noautoz in the geometry input to make it work. If internal coordinates are required one can fix it in the same manner as described above. However, you can also force a connection to a real nearby atom.
Very highly connected systems generate too many internal coordinates which can make optimization in redundant internals less efficient than in Cartesians. For systems such as clusters of atoms or small molecules, try using a smaller value of the scaling factor for covalent radii
zcoord; cvr_scaling 0.9; end
In addition to this you can also try specifying a minimal set of bonds to connect the fragments.
If these together don't work, then you're out of luck. Use Cartesians or construct a Z-matrix.
If you have saved the restart information that is kept in the permanent directory, then you can restart a calculation, as long as it did not crash while writing to the data base.
Following are two input files. The first starts a geometry optimization for ammonia. If this stops for nearly any reason such as it was interrupted, ran out of time or disk space, or exceeded the maximum number of iterations, then it may be restarted with the second job.
The key points are
- The first job contains a START directive with a name for the calculation.
- All subsequent jobs should contain a RESTART directive with the same name for the calculation.
- All jobs must specify the same permanent directory. The default permanent directory is the current directory.
- If you want to change anything in the restart job, just put the data before the task directive. Otherwise, all options will be the same as in the original job.
Job 1.
start ammonia
permanent_dir /u/myfiles
h 1 nh
h 1 nh 2 hnh
h 1 nh 2 hnh 3 hnh -1
nh 1.
hnh 115.
n library 3-21g; h library 3-21g
task scf optimize
Job 2.
restart ammonia
permanent_dir /u/myfiles
task scf optimize
Some ARMCI_NETWORK values (e.g. OPENIB) depend on the
value for large allocations of Global memory. We
recommend a value of -- at least -- 2048, e.g. in bash shell parlance
A value of 2048 for ARMCI_DEFAULT_SHMMAX corresponds to 2048 GBytes,
equal to 204810241024=2147483648 bytes. For
ARMCI_DEFAULT_SHMMAX=2048 to work, it is necessary that kernel
parameter kernel.shmmax
to be greater than 2147483648. You can check
the current value of kernel.shmmax
on your system by typing
sysctl kernel.shmmax
More detail about kernel.shmmax can be found at the webpage https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/5/html/Tuning_and_Optimizing_Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux_for_Oracle_9i_and_10g_Databases/sect-Oracle_9i_and_10g_Tuning_Guide-Setting_Shared_Memory-Setting_SHMALL_Parameter.html