This project is a Pokémon Store! Inspired in e-commerce aplications, Pokéstore simulates a real shopping experience. Search for your favourite pokémon and add them to cart. When satisfied, go to checkout and complete your purchase.
Gotta catch’em all! :)
The project layout was made on Figma. You can access it throught this link.
Remembering that you need to have a Figma account to access it.
For this project, I created an API with Express.js and MongoDB. Got data from PokeApi and created my own api with a customized price property and new Query Params. You can access and fetch it throught this link. To access the repository in github, click here.
You can access the deployed project by clicking here.
Also, you can clone the repository and access the files. You will need to have installed Node.js.
$ git clone
To initiate the project, you have to access the file, install the dependencies and start with NPM.
$ cd pokestore
$ npm install
$ npm start
The app will be available in your browser by the address http://localhost:3000