I'm a software developer with experience in Java, React, and Spring. I'm passionate about building high-quality, scalable software that solves real-world problems. I also have knowledge of C# and .NET and enjoy working with a variety of technologies.
Java: I have experience working with Java to build REST APIs. I'm comfortable with core Java concepts such as object-oriented programming, collections, streams, funcional programming, servlet containers and exception handling.
React: I have experience building web applications with React. I'm comfortable with core React concepts such as components, state, props, and JSX.
Spring: I have experience building web applications and REST APIs with Spring. I'm comfortable with core Spring concepts such as dependency injection, inversion of control, and aspect-oriented programming.
C#: I have knowledge of C# and the .NET framework. I'm comfortable working with C# syntax and .NET concepts such as collections, LINQ, and async/await.
Here are some of the projects I've worked on:
API Car Store (Bootcamp Senai): A RESTful API for a fictional car dealership. Built with C# and .Net.
API Spring: A RESTful API built with Java and Spring Boot to learn best java spring practices.
Raro Class: A frontend of a web application built with react and typescript.
API Car Store (GraphQL Bootcamp Senai): A GraphQL API for the same fictional car dealership as the first project. Built with C# and .Net
Feel free to check out these projects and provide feedback or contributions. I'm always looking to improve my coding skills and learn from others in the community.
Feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn or GitHub if you have any questions or want to chat about software development. I'm always looking to connect with like-minded developers who are passionate about building great software.
Thanks for checking out my profile!