This work is based on our paper. We proposed a new framework to explore and search for the target in unknown environment based on Large Language Model. Our work is based on SemExp and llm_scene_understanding, implemented in PyTorch.
Author: Bangguo Yu, Hamidreza Kasaei and Ming Cao
Affiliation: University of Groningen
Visual target navigation in unknown environments is a crucial problem in robotics. Despite extensive investigation of classical and learning-based approaches in the past, robots lack common-sense knowledge about household objects and layouts. Prior state-of-the-art approaches to this task rely on learning the priors during the training and typically require significant expensive resources and time for learning. To address this, we propose a new framework for visual target navigation that leverages Large Language Models (LLM) to impart common sense for object searching. Specifically, we introduce two paradigms: (i) zero-shot and (ii) feed-forward approaches that use language to find the relevant frontier from the semantic map as a long-term goal and explore the environment efficiently. Our analysis demonstrates the notable zero-shot generalization and transfer capabilities from the use of language. Experiments on Gibson and Habitat-Matterport 3D (HM3D) demonstrate that the proposed framework significantly outperforms existing map-based methods in terms of success rate and generalization. Ablation analysis also indicates that the common-sense knowledge from the language model leads to more efficient semantic exploration. Finally, we provide a real robot experiment to verify the applicability of our framework in real-world scenarios. The supplementary video and code can be accessed via the following link:
- Clone repository
git clone l3mvn
- Install utility function to download hm3d dataset
conda create -n l3mvn
conda install habitat-sim-challenge-2022 headless -c conda-forge -c aihabitat -n l3mvn
conda activate l3mvn
python -m habitat_sim.utils.datasets_download --username <api-token-id> --password <api-token-secret> --uids hm3d --data-path l3mvn/data
ln -s -f ../versioned_data/hm3d-1.0/hm3d l3mvn/data/scene_datasets/hm3d
Download segmentation model from here. Put the downloaded file in l3mvn/data.
Download test set from here. Unzip and rename the folder to objectgoal_hm3d and place it in l3mvn/data
Build Docker image
docker build -t l3mvn:1.0 .
- Run the image
docker run --gpus all -v .:/home/app -it l3mvn:1.0
inside the container run the following to test the feed-forward method
cd l3mvn
. activate habitat
python --split val --eval 1 --auto_gpu_config 0 \
-n 8 --num_eval_episodes 250 --load pretrained_models/ \
--use_gtsem 0 --num_local_steps 10
run the following to test the zero-shot method
cd l3mvn
. activate habitat
python --split val --eval 1 --auto_gpu_config 0 \
-n 5 --num_eval_episodes 400 --num_processes_on_first_gpu 5 \
--use_gtsem 0 --num_local_steps 10 --exp_name exp_llm_hm3d_zero \
The code has been tested only with Python 3.7 on Ubuntu 20.04.
- Installing Dependencies
We use challenge-2022 versions of habitat-sim and habitat-lab as specified below:
Installing habitat-sim:
git clone
cd habitat-sim; git checkout tags/challenge-2022;
pip install -r requirements.txt;
python install --headless
python install # (for Mac OS)
- Installing habitat-lab:
git clone
cd habitat-lab; git checkout tags/challenge-2022;
pip install -e .
- Install pytorch according to your system configuration. The code is tested on pytorch v1.7.0 and cudatoolkit v11.4. If you are using conda:
conda install pytorch==1.7.0 torchvision==0.8.1 cudatoolkit=11.4 #(Linux with GPU)
conda install pytorch==1.7.0 torchvision==0.8.1 -c pytorch #(Mac OS)
- Install detectron2 according to your system configuration.
- Download HM3D datasets:
Download HM3D dataset using download utility and instructions:
python -m habitat_sim.utils.datasets_download --username <api-token-id> --password <api-token-secret> --uids hm3d_minival
- Download additional datasets
Download the segmentation model in RedNet/model path.
Clone the repository and install other requirements:
git clone
cd L3MVN/
pip install -r requirements.txt
The code requires the datasets in a data
folder in the following format (same as habitat-lab):
For evaluating the pre-trained model:
python --split val --eval 1 --auto_gpu_config 0 \
-n 1 --num_eval_episodes 2000 --load pretrained_models/ \
--use_gtsem 0 --num_local_steps 10