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eenblam edited this page Jul 15, 2024 · 1 revision

Welcome to the JTT wiki!

About JTT

JTT was initially a collaboration with another project: @bfeldman89's jail_scrapers, which focuses on gathering data about Mississippi jails. Please see for information about this work.

As JailTracker is utilized in many places outside of Mississippi, this code has been separated from jail_scrapers for those interested in similar civic hacking projects.

JTT uses the API of the JailTracker software suite in order to aggregate information about inmates for civic purposes. Relevant questions include but are not limited to:

  • How long are inmates held pre-trial? Pre-arraignment?
  • How long are inmates being held without being charged at all, or when charges are dropped before trial?
  • Does this data vary along demographic or geographic lines?

This project was on hiatus for a few years due to JailTracker implementing a captcha system. While it now solves these captchas, JTT has always defaulted to a VERY generous rate limit to avoid impacting response times for other users.

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