Single Node OpenShift on AWS Spot for < $100/mon
Supports AMD64 and ARM64
- AWS command line
- AWS account login
- OpenShift pull secret
- OpenShift command line and installer
- ec2-spot-converter script
Try the all-in-one invocation.
export AWS_PROFILE=default export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=ap-southeast-1 export CLUSTER_NAME=my-cluster export #replace by a real domain and make sure you have a Hosted Zone for it at Route 53! export INSTANCE_TYPE=m6a.2xlarge export PULL_SECRET=$(cat ~/tmp/pull-secret) export SSH_KEY=$(cat ~/.ssh/ mkdir my-run && cd my-run curl -Ls | bash -s -- -d
This step needs to be performed once in each region and account that you will be provisioning instances. It serves as a temporal tracking table for the tool.
export AWS_PROFILE=default
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=ap-southeast-1
ec2-spot-converter --generate-dynamodb-table
This portion performs a SNO install and then moves it to the public subnets. It will remove the unneeded portions of the networking infrastructure.
Create Openshift SNO AWS Config
mkdir -p cluster # vi install-config.yaml # update: pullSecret, sshKey, region, type, rootVolume: size, metadata: name, baseDomain cp install-config.yaml cluster/
Install OpenShift
export AWS_PROFILE=rhpds export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=ap-southeast-1 openshift-install create cluster --dir=cluster
Export Env.Vars
export KUBECONFIG=<path to your>/cluster/auth/kubeconfig export CLUSTER_NAME=my-cluster export
Adjust AWS Objects
Dry run (no changes, just perform lookups). Do this first to check output, as the script may over select.
DoIt !
./ -d
Note: there is a v4.16+ version of this script as well.
It may take a couple of minutes for SNO to settle down (authentication, ingress operators become available). You should now be able to login to your cluster OK. Check
oc get co
to make sure cluster operators are healthy. Check the router ELB has the instance associated (this will be temporary until you run the fix instance id script).
This portion does the actual conversion to persistent spot instance #.
export INSTANCE_ID=$(aws ec2 describe-instances \
--query "Reservations[].Instances[].InstanceId" \
--filters "Name=tag-value,Values=$CLUSTER_NAME-*-master-0" "Name=instance-state-name,Values=running" \
--output text)
ec2-spot-converter --stop-instance --instance-id $INSTANCE_ID
There are several other options for the tool not used here but which could be invoked:
- max spot price
- change instance type
- delete the AMI when it completes
- change the encryption key for the root volume
- convert from spot back to on-demand
Documentation of the settings and how to use them are on the ec2-spot-converter tool's homepage.
After converting to spot, there are a few references to the old instance ID in the cluster which must be remedied so the operators function correctly for the life of the cluster.
Export Env.Vars
export AWS_PROFILE=default export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=ap-southeast-1 export #replace by a real domain and make sure you have a Hosted Zone for it at Route 53! export CLUSTER_NAME=my-cluster export KUBECONFIG=<path to your $RUNDIR>/cluster/auth/kubeconfig
Fix internal node instance references
Dry run (no changes, just perform lookups). Do this first to check.
DoIt !
./ -d
It may take a couple of minutes for SNO to settle after restarting (authentication, ingress operators become available). You should now be able to login to your cluster OK. Check
oc get co
to make sure cluster operators are healthy. Check the router ELB has the instance associated OK, this should be done automatically now by the node.
If you no longer need your instance, to remove all related aws objects just run inside your
.openshift-install destroy cluster --dir=cluster
You may want to try out these common day.2 enhancements for your SNO on SPOT instance.