It is a django module that allow your:
- Mosquito Auth configured with mosquitto-auth-plug
- Automatic MQTT replay
Install the latest version through pip
pip install -e git+
and add:
# Used for storage certs and keys if 'django_mqtt.publisher' is Installed
MQTT_CERTS_ROOT = /path/to/private/certs/storage
# Test Example: MQTT_CERTS_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'private')
# Used for 'django_mqtt' if 'django_mqtt.mosquitto.auth_plugin' is Installed
# Optional MQTT_ACL_ALLOW indicated if must allow topic not asigned for the user
# Optional MQTT_ACL_ALLOW_ANONIMOUS indicated if must allow topic not valid users
Also need to run migrations once
python migrate
Browser to your admin page and configure: Broker servers, auth and client data.
You can add the following code for send Data model when new one are created:
from django.db.models.signals import post_save
from django_mqtt.publisher.models import Data as MQTTData
def update_mqtt_data(sender, **kwargs):
obj = kwargs["instance"]
if isinstance(obj, MQTTData):
if kwargs["created"]:
post_save.connect(receiver=update_mqtt_data, sender=MQTTData, dispatch_uid='django_mqtt_update_signal')
Or you can auto-send with any change using:
from django.db.models.signals import post_save
from django.dispatch import receiver
from django_mqtt.publisher.models import Data as MQTTData
@receiver(post_save, sender=MQTTData)
def auto_update(sender, instance, **kwargs):
You can also attach django Signals for monitoring publisher, connection and disconnection.
from django_mqtt.publisher.models import *
from django_mqtt.publisher.signals import *
def before_connect(sender, client):
if not isinstance(client, Client):
raise AttributeError('client must be Client object')
mqtt_connect.connect(receiver=before_connect, sender=Server, dispatch_uid='my_django_mqtt_before_connect')
def before_publish(sender, client, topic, payload, qos, retain):
if not isinstance(client, Client):
raise AttributeError('client must be Client object')
mqtt_pre_publish.connect(receiver=before_publish, sender=Data, dispatch_uid='my_django_mqtt_before_publish')
def then_publish(sender, client, userdata, mid):
if not isinstance(client, Client):
raise AttributeError('client must be Client object')
mqtt_publish.connect(receiver=then_publish, sender=Client, dispatch_uid='my_django_mqtt_then_publish')
def then_disconnect(sender, client, userdata, rc):
if not isinstance(client, MQTTClient):
raise AttributeError('client must be MQTTClient object')
mqtt_disconnect.connect(receiver=then_disconnect, sender=Server, dispatch_uid='my_django_mqtt_then_disconnect')
Thanks to mosquitto-auth-plug you can configure Mosquitto for connect with externals Auth systems.
For active Django Auth system edit your
and add:
urlpatterns = patterns(
url(r'^mqtt/', include('django_mqtt.mosquitto.auth_plugin.urls')),
Run script for install mosquitto server and run script and for configure it for use mosquitto-auth-plug with compiler configuration in and mosquitto configuration server with auth_plug.conf.
You could create the follow settings to set the default auth flow:
MQTT_ACL_ALLOW = False # For allow auth users to any topic, False by defauld
MQTT_ACL_ALLOW_ANONIMOUS = False # For allow anonimous users, False by defauld
The auth mechanism works based con ACL class.
This mean that you could "bypass" the setting creating a wildcard topic (#). For example, if you want that all auth user could subscribe but not publish:
from django_mqtt.models import Topic, ACL
from django_mqtt.models import PROTO_MQTT_ACC_SUS, PROTO_MQTT_ACC_PUB
topic = Topic.objects.create(name='#')
acl = ACL.objects.create(acc=PROTO_MQTT_ACC_PUB, topic=topic, allow=False)
If you want that only one user or group could publish to any topic, you could add it:
All this steps could be done by shell or by admin page
- Create a MQTT Server
from django_mqtt.publisher.models import Server
mqtt_server = Server.objects.create(host='')
- Create a MQTT client
from django_mqtt.publisher.models import Client
mqtt_client = Client.objects.create(server=mqtt_server)
- Create a MQTT Topic
from django_mqtt.models import Topic
mqtt_topic = Topic.objects.create(name='/django/MQTT')
- Create a MQTT Data object
from django_mqtt.publisher.models import Data
mqtt_data = Data.objects.create(client=mqtt_client, topic=mqtt_topic, payload='initial data')
mqtt_data.update_remote() # Send/update data to MQTT server
- Create a MQTT Server
from django_mqtt.publisher.models import Server
mqtt_server = Server.objects.create(host='')
- Create a MQTT client
from django_mqtt.publisher.models import Client
mqtt_client = Client.objects.create(server=mqtt_server)
- Run command mqtt_updater
python mqtt_updater /topic/#
You can use the mosquitto test server
See the mosquitto test server website for information about the broker configuration
Run scripts bash test_web/
and bash test_web/
This script will be install and configure mosquitto, mosquitto-auth-plug, gunicorn, supervisord, nginx and postgresql