This project is inspired by Kalle Halden ( He had the idea to this project and made it working for MacOS. Check his repository out:
BEFORE CLONING make sure that you have already installed the newest version of python and you succesfully added it to your SYSTEM-PATH.
Goto your command-line (cmd) and navigate to the location where you want to clone this project. Then type:
git clone ""
cd ProjectCreationAutomation
pip install -r requirements.txt
Then edit the two files create.bat (inside batch-folder) and where necessary (marked and described with comments).
IMPORTANT: Now you have to put the path of the create.bat-file (e.g. C:\Users...\ProjectCreationAutomation\batch) to your SYSTEM-PATH. Here is a short instruction how to do this:
- type env to your windows-search and hit enter. A dialog with system-properties should appear.
- Click on the Button with Environment Variables
- In the System Variables window, highlight Path in the upper section, and click Edit.
- In the Edit System Variables window, click New and add the full path to the new created line.
- Click OK in each open windows
To create a new project just open your command-line (cmd) and type in a command with the following syntax:
create <ProjectName> <private/public>
- ProjectName: Write here your new project's name without space
- private/public: Write here if you want your project to be public or private on github.