This repository builds the BrainScaleS-2 user documentation including:
- high-level user documentation
- demos and tutorials
- API reference documenation
# 1) Most of the following steps will be executed within a singularity container
# To keep the steps clutter-free, we start by defining an alias
shopt -s expand_aliases
alias c="singularity exec --app dls /containers/stable/latest"
# 2) Prepare a fresh workspace and change directory into it
mkdir workspace && cd workspace
# 3) Load waf build tool
module load waf
# 4) Setup your workspace and clone all dependencies (--clone-depth=1 to skip history)
c ./waf setup --project=documentation-brainscales2
# 5) Build the project
cat <<EOF >
./waf configure
./waf build -j1
srun -p compile -c8 c bash
# 6) Install the project to ./bin and ./lib
c ./waf install