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Builds Frontend

Frontend to elementary OS Builds

This repository contains the website code for our Early Access builds. This DOES NOT build elementary OS or have any operating system related code.

Building & Testing

This site is built with Nuxt.JS, a Vue.JS framework.

You'll need the following dependencies:

  • nodejs >= 20
  • npm

Run npm to install additional packages and start the development server

npm ci # Installs additional dependency packages
npm start # Starts the web server

A link to the test server will appear in Terminal. (Typically this is http://localhost:3000/)

Testing GitHub & DigitalOcean Spaces integration

To test the GitHub login integration locally, generate a GitHub OAuth application client ID and secret at and store them in a .env file. Also add a SIGNING_KEY which can just be random hex characters used to sign JWT tokens.


If also testing DigitalOcean Spaces integration, add the secrets:


You can then run the application in production mode with:

npx nuxt build
npx nuxt start