User management microservice written with Flask Framework.
- Since this project is a microservice, Flask should be more than enough due to its lightweight and fast architecture.
- Flask alone is not enough for production use, so i have added gunicorn to make it more scalable.
- healthcheck endpoint is actually not required but services in clouder providers like AWS-ECS or load balancers require this healtcheck.
- In order to use this microservice 5000 and 3306 ports should be available on your local development machine.
This project assumes you had already installed these tools:
You can connect the database using an ordinary mysql client. Configurations are below:
MYSQL_DB = user_db
In order to use the API, all you have to do is run docker compose on the root directory of this project.
Below are the sample usage:
cd <this directory>
docker-compose up -d
After starting the system, API will expose itself through port: 5000
There are different endpoints for this API:
This endpoint accepts GET request.
- This endpoint is just useful for understanding of the application live status.
- This endpoint accepts POST request.
- If user is not on the database; it hashes the password, inserts the user into database and returns a token.
- Body Params:
{ "username": "arincelhan", [must] "email": "", [must] "password": "arinc456", [must] "name": "arinc", [optional] "surname": "elhan", [optional] "age": 27 [optional] }
- This endpoint accepts POST request.
- If user is on the database, it returns a token.
- Body Params:
{ "email": "", [must] "password": "123456" [must] }
- This endpoint accepts POST request.
- User can reset and create a new password for his/hers account by using this endpoint.
token should be on the request header.- Body Params:
{ "password": "arinc123" [must] }
This endpoint accepts DELETE request.
- User can remove himself/herself from the database by using this endpoint.
token should be on the request header.
- This endpoint accepts PUT request.
- User can update his/hers name, surname and age by using this endpoint.
token should be on the request header.- Body Params:
{ "name": "john", [must] "age": 32, [must, should be greater than 15] "surname": "doe" [must] }
- This endpoint accepts GET request.
- User can get information about the users on the database.
token should be on the request header.- User can search through on
fields by using search_param query parameter. - search_param can be
. - Ex:
login and register test scenarios has been covered. In order to run tests, commands below could be used:
cd <this directory>
cd api
virtualenv be-venv -p python3
source be-venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd src
python -m unittest discover