Columbus Project is an API first subdomain discovery service, blazingly fast subdomain enumeration service with advanced features.
Columbus returned 638 subdomains of in 0.231 sec.
By default Columbus returns only the subdomains in a JSON string array:
curl ''
But we think of the bash lovers, so if you don't want to mess with JSON and a newline separated list is your wish, then include the Accept: text/plain
curl -s -H "Accept: text/plain" "$DOMAIN" | \
while read SUB
if [[ "$SUB" == "" ]]
echo "$HOST"
For more, check the features or the API documentation.
Currently, entries are got from Certificate Transparency.
Usage of columbus-server:
Check for updates.
-config string
Path to the config file.
Print version informations.
: Check the lates version on GitHub.
Prints up-to-date
and returns 0
if no update required.
Prints the latest tag (eg.: v0.9.1
) and returns 1
if new release available.
In case of error, prints the error message and returns 2
git clone
make build
Create a new user:
adduser --system --no-create-home --disabled-login columbus-server
Create a new group:
addgroup --system columbus
Add the new user to the new group:
usermod -aG columbus columbus-server
Copy the binary to /usr/bin/columbus-server
Make it executable:
chmod +x /usr/bin/columbus-server
Create a directory:
mkdir /etc/columbus
Copy the config file to /etc/columbus/server.conf
Set the permission to 0600.
chmod -R 0600 /etc/columbus
Set the owner of the config file:
chown -R columbus-server:columbus /etc/columbus
Install the service file (eg.: /etc/systemd/system/columbus-server.service
cp columbus-server.service /etc/systemd/system/
Reload systemd:
systemctl daemon-reload
Start columbus:
systemctl start columbus-server
If you want to columbus start automatically:
systemctl enable columbus-server