This script that generates barcodes in four barcode formats including Code 128, Code 39, Code 2of5, and Codabar. the options of “vertical” or “horizontal” display, varying barcode heights, and one of four barcode formats.
PHP GD Library
composer require elminson/barcode
namespace Elminson\BarCode;
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
$barcode = new BarCode('code128');
- setText => text to be converte to barcode
- setPrint => Show the text in the barcode
- setBgColor => Set the barcode Background (Default white)
- setTextColor => (Default Black)
- setFileNmae => Name for the image (if empty will generate a random number)
- setFilePath => Path to save the image(if empty will show the image)
- setOrientation => horizontal/vertical
- setCode_type
- setSizeFactor
- setSize => Set text font size
- SaveBarcodeToDisk => Save Barcode
- GetPngData
- DrawBarcodeToScreen
- DestroyBarcode
Source code for the article "How To Create Barcodes in PHP" found at: