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changed/extended SubModelSelectedItem sample
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YkTru committed Sep 19, 2024
1 parent f9f2879 commit f632741
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Showing 5 changed files with 429 additions and 87 deletions.
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions src/Samples/SubModelSelectedItem.Core/FsWPF.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
namespace FsWPF

open System
open System.Windows.Data
open Elmish.WPF.Samples.SubModelSelectedItem.Program
open Form

//[toDo] DataTemplateSelector
355 changes: 315 additions & 40 deletions src/Samples/SubModelSelectedItem.Core/Program.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,57 +1,332 @@
module Elmish.WPF.Samples.SubModelSelectedItem.Program
namespace Elmish.WPF.Samples.SubModelSelectedItem.Program

open System
open Serilog
open Serilog.Extensions.Logging
open Elmish.WPF

type Entity =
{ Id: int
Name: string }
• *change all [dynamic bindings] to [static bindings] using an upcoming Elmish.WPF revised static bindings approach*
• [?] make "_VM" for each child (cleaner separation)
• [?] would something other than "SubModelSelectItem" be a better option for safety?
• [?] how to better seperate *specific children fields* within dynamic bindings in "Form_VM.Components"? Just comment? Helpers?
type Model =
{ Entities: Entity list
Selected: int option }
• refactor: make FormComponent more concrete = TextBox, CheckBox, ComboBox
• add: DataTemplateSelector
• add: get focus after adding + selecting FormComponent (Behavior)
let init () =
{ Entities = [0 .. 10] |> (fun i -> { Id = i; Name = sprintf "Entity %i" i})
Selected = Some 4 }
• refactor: revise all helpers in Form (some were made quick&dirty)
• refactor: make update and VM cleaner (helpers)
• revise naming(?): keep "_Model", "_Msg", "_VM"? IMO it helps seperate better childs visually + better Intellisense experience in Xaml

type Msg =
| Select of int option

let update msg m =
match msg with
| Select entityId -> { m with Selected = entityId }
module FormComponentHelpers =
let generateName (prefix: string) =
let randomNumber () = Random().Next(1000, 10000).ToString()
prefix + randomNumber ()

let bindings () : Binding<Model, Msg> list = [
"SelectRandom" |> Binding.cmd
(fun m -> m.Entities.Item(Random().Next(m.Entities.Length)).Id |> Some |> Select)

"Deselect" |> Binding.cmd(Select None)
module FormComponentA =

"Entities" |> Binding.subModelSeq(
(fun m -> m.Entities),
(fun e -> e.Id),
(fun () -> [
"Name" |> Binding.oneWay (fun (_, e) -> e.Name)
"SelectedLabel" |> Binding.oneWay (fun (m, e) -> if m.Selected = Some e.Id then " - SELECTED" else "")
type Model = { Id: Guid; Name: string }

"SelectedEntity" |> Binding.subModelSelectedItem("Entities", (fun m -> m.Selected), Select)
let create () =
{ Id = Guid.NewGuid()
Name = FormComponentHelpers.generateName "A_" }

let designVm = ViewModel.designInstance (init ()) (bindings ())
let init () = create ()

let main window =
let logger =
.MinimumLevel.Override("Elmish.WPF.Update", Events.LogEventLevel.Verbose)
.MinimumLevel.Override("Elmish.WPF.Bindings", Events.LogEventLevel.Verbose)
.MinimumLevel.Override("Elmish.WPF.Performance", Events.LogEventLevel.Verbose)
type Msg = DummyMsg

WpfProgram.mkSimple init update bindings
|> WpfProgram.withLogger (new SerilogLoggerFactory(logger))
|> WpfProgram.startElmishLoop window
let update msg m =
match msg with
| DummyMsg -> m

module FormComponentB =

type Model = { Id: Guid; Name: string }

let create () =
{ Id = Guid.NewGuid()
Name = FormComponentHelpers.generateName "B_" }

let init () =
{ Id = Guid.NewGuid()
Name = "B_" + Random().Next(10000, 100000).ToString() }

type Msg = DummyMsg

let update msg m =
match msg with
| DummyMsg -> m

module FormComponentC =

type Model = { Id: Guid; Name: string }

let create () =
{ Id = Guid.NewGuid()
Name = FormComponentHelpers.generateName "C_" }

let init () = create ()

type Msg = DummyMsg

let update msg m =
match msg with
| DummyMsg -> m

module Form =

type Components =
| FormComponentA of FormComponentA.Model
| FormComponentB of FormComponentB.Model
| FormComponentC of FormComponentC.Model

type Model =
{ Components: Components list
SelectedComponent: Guid option
//• SubModels
FormComponentA_Model: FormComponentA.Model
FormComponentB_Model: FormComponentB.Model
FormComponentC_Model: FormComponentC.Model }

let components_Mock =
[ for _ in 1..3 do
yield FormComponentA(FormComponentA.create ())
yield FormComponentB(FormComponentB.create ())
yield FormComponentC(FormComponentC.create ()) ]

let init () =
{ Components = components_Mock
SelectedComponent = None
//• SubModels
FormComponentA_Model = FormComponentA.init ()
FormComponentB_Model = FormComponentB.init ()
FormComponentC_Model = FormComponentC.init () }

type Msg =
| Select of Guid option
| AddFormComponentA
| AddFormComponentB
| AddFormComponentC
//• SubMsgs
| TextBoxA_Msg of FormComponentA.Msg
| TextBoxB_Msg of FormComponentB.Msg
| TextBoxC_Msg of FormComponentC.Msg

module Form =

let getSelectedEntityIdFromSelectComponent (m: Model) =
match m.SelectedComponent with
| Some selectedId -> selectedId
| None -> Guid.Empty

let getComponentId component_ =
match component_ with
| FormComponentA a -> a.Id
| FormComponentB b -> b.Id
| FormComponentC c -> c.Id

let getComponentName component_ =
match component_ with
| FormComponentA a -> a.Name
| FormComponentB b -> b.Name
| FormComponentC c -> c.Name

let isSelected selectedId component_ =
match selectedId, component_ with
| Some id, FormComponentA a -> a.Id = id
| Some id, FormComponentB b -> b.Id = id
| Some id, FormComponentC c -> c.Id = id
| _ -> false

let insertComponentAfterSelected selectedComponent newComponent components =

// sample purpose: make explicit that a new component has been added
let prependNewName component_ =
match component_ with
| FormComponentA a -> FormComponentA { a with Name = "#New# " + a.Name }
| FormComponentB b -> FormComponentB { b with Name = "#New# " + b.Name }
| FormComponentC c -> FormComponentC { c with Name = "#New# " + c.Name }

let newComponentWithPrependedName = prependNewName newComponent

match selectedComponent with
| None ->
// If no component is selected, append the new one to the end
components @ [ newComponentWithPrependedName ]
| Some selectedId ->
let rec insertAfterSelected =
| [] -> [ newComponentWithPrependedName ]
| comp :: rest when getComponentId comp = selectedId -> comp :: newComponentWithPrependedName :: rest
| comp :: rest -> comp :: insertAfterSelected rest

insertAfterSelected components

let update msg m =
match msg with
| Select entityId -> { m with SelectedComponent = entityId }

| AddFormComponentA ->
let newComponent = FormComponentA(FormComponentA.create ())

let newComponentId =
match newComponent with
| FormComponentA a -> a.Id
| _ -> Guid.Empty

{ m with
Components = insertComponentAfterSelected m.SelectedComponent newComponent m.Components
SelectedComponent = Some newComponentId }

| AddFormComponentB ->
let newComponent = FormComponentB(FormComponentB.create ())

let newComponentId =
match newComponent with
| FormComponentB b -> b.Id
| _ -> Guid.Empty

{ m with
Components = insertComponentAfterSelected m.SelectedComponent newComponent m.Components
SelectedComponent = Some newComponentId }

| AddFormComponentC ->
let newComponent = FormComponentC(FormComponentC.create ())

let newComponentId =
match newComponent with
| FormComponentC c -> c.Id
| _ -> Guid.Empty

{ m with
Components = insertComponentAfterSelected m.SelectedComponent newComponent m.Components
SelectedComponent = Some newComponentId }

//• SubModels
| TextBoxA_Msg msg -> { m with FormComponentA_Model = FormComponentA.update msg m.FormComponentA_Model }
| TextBoxB_Msg msg -> { m with FormComponentB_Model = FormComponentB.update msg m.FormComponentB_Model }
| TextBoxC_Msg msg -> { m with FormComponentC_Model = FormComponentC.update msg m.FormComponentC_Model }

open Form.Form // ugly

type Form_VM(args) =
inherit ViewModelBase<Form.Model, Form.Msg>(args)

new() = Form_VM(Form.init () |> ViewModelArgs.simple)

//• Properties
// I *really* don't like the stringly-typed nature of this binding + no Intellisense in Xaml for submodel properties
member _.Components =
(Binding.subModelSeq (
(fun m -> m.Components),
(fun (e) -> getComponentId e),
(fun () ->
[ "Name"
|> Binding.oneWay (fun (_, e) -> getComponentName e)
|> Binding.oneWay (fun (m, e) ->
if isSelected m.SelectedComponent e then
" - Selected"
"") ])

// I don't like the stringly-typed nature of this binding
member _.SelectedEntity
with get () =
(Binding.subModelSelectedItem (
(fun (m: Form.Model) -> m.SelectedComponent),
and set (value) =
(Binding.subModelSelectedItem (
(fun (m: Form.Model) -> m.SelectedComponent),

member _.SelectedEntityLog
with get () =
(Binding.oneWay (fun (m: Form.Model) ->
match m.SelectedComponent with
| Some id ->
let index =
|> List.findIndex (fun e -> getComponentId e = id)

let name =
|> List.find (fun e -> getComponentId e = id)
|> getComponentName

let componentType =
match m.Components
|> List.find (fun e -> getComponentId e = id)
| Form.Components.FormComponentA _ -> "Type: A"
| Form.Components.FormComponentB _ -> "Type: B"
| Form.Components.FormComponentC _ -> "Type: C"

sprintf "Selected: Name = %s, Index = %d, %s" name index componentType
| None -> "No selection"))
and set (value) = base.Set value (Binding.oneWay (fun _ -> ""))

//• Commands
member _.AddTextBoxA = base.Get () (Binding.CmdT.setAlways Form.AddFormComponentA)
member _.AddTextBoxB = base.Get () (Binding.CmdT.setAlways Form.AddFormComponentB)
member _.AddTextBoxC = base.Get () (Binding.CmdT.setAlways Form.AddFormComponentC)

member _.SelectRandom =
(Binding.cmd (fun (m: Form.Model) ->
let randomEntity = m.Components.Item(Random().Next(m.Components.Length))

match randomEntity with
| Form.Components.FormComponentA aModel -> Some aModel.Id
| Form.Components.FormComponentB bModel -> Some bModel.Id
| Form.Components.FormComponentC cModel -> Some cModel.Id
|> Form.Msg.Select))

member _.Deselect =
base.Get () (Binding.cmd (fun (m: Form.Model) -> Form.Msg.Select None))

module Program =
let main window =
let logger =
.MinimumLevel.Override("Elmish.WPF.Update", Events.LogEventLevel.Verbose)
.MinimumLevel.Override("Elmish.WPF.Bindings", Events.LogEventLevel.Verbose)
.MinimumLevel.Override("Elmish.WPF.Performance", Events.LogEventLevel.Verbose)

WpfProgram.mkSimpleT Form.init Form.update Form_VM
|> WpfProgram.withLogger (new SerilogLoggerFactory(logger))
|> WpfProgram.startElmishLoop window

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