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Fabiano V. Santos edited this page Nov 13, 2017 · 7 revisions

Nightfall comes with support for reading messages from Kafka using Spark Structure Streaming, only kafka 10+ is supported.

Kafka Integration

⚠️ This feature is in BETA.

You can enable kafka support by adding the following dependency:


Now to read messagens you just need to annotate your TaskProcessor with @Kafka, example:

class KafkaExampleTask implements TaskProcessor {

	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
	private final Dataset<Row> events;

	KafkaExampleTask(@Kafka Dataset<Row> events) { = events;

	public void process() {
				.selectExpr("CAST(value AS STRING)")

See full example


All configurations from Spark Kafka 10 Integration are supported, you just need to add the spark.kafka. as prefix, exemple:


Topic Persistency

Nightfall supports the persistency of the kafka offsets within Cassandra, but this functionality is limited to assign option of Kafka. When you enable the persistency of offset ranges Nightfall will write to two tables:

  • offset_ranges: persist the latest processed offset range, uses the application name, topic name and partition as primary key. Thus, when application starts the offset range information is retrieved from this table.
  • offset_ranges_history: persist historical of the offset ranges processed, used to find data duplication or when an offset range was processed. Uses application name, topic name, partition and the timestamp which was processed as primary key.

The support for Cassandra was added to control offset in cases where you do not have a reliable storage to persist the Spark checkpoints. The offset persistency has some some limitations:

  • If you need to added a new topic partition you need to set the starting offset for all topics and partitions.
  • If you need to add a new topic to assign configuration you need to set the starting offset for all topics and partitions.

Using Topic Persistency

You need to enable the offset persistency and add the following dependency to your project, because it's optional:


You alsse need to create the keyspace in cassandra and execute the migrations, thus all required tables will be created.

For more information see Migrations.


  • spark.kafka.persistent.offsets: enables the offset persistency, default false.
  • spark.kafka.persistent.startingOffsets.fromRepository: enables the configuration of starting offsets from the persisted ones, default true, only used when spark.kafka.persistent.offsets is enabled.
  • spark.kafka.cassandra.hosts: list of cassandra hosts splited by ,, required.
  • spark.kafka.cassandra.keyspace: keyspace of cassandra where the tables resides, required.
  • spark.kafka.cassandra.port: cassandra connection port, default 9042.
  • spark.kafka.offsetRange.history.ttl.days: time to expired the data from offset_ranges_history table, default 7 days.
  • spark.kafka.cassandra.user: cassandra connection user name, optional.
  • spark.kafka.cassandra.datacenter: cassandra data center name, optional.

Customizing Kafka Integration

Kafka integration is automacally configured with the @Kafka annotation, which use all configurations that has the spark.kafka. prefix, but you can customize the Kafka source by creating you own Kafka source from the Spark API code or usging the wich you can use the Nightfall persistecy for Kafka.

Take a look at to see how the Dataset from kafka is created.