Application used to check code coverage by tests on added lines (ex. check coverage just on new code in PR)
- Install tool
npm i -g git-diff-code-coverage
- Run test to generate coverage report
npm test
- Run application to analyze it
gitDiffCodeCoverage --repoPath=/Users/user/Src/example --reportPath=artifacts/coverage/coverage-summary.json --fileTemplate=app/**/*.js --source=newBranch --target=master --reportFormat=lcov -v
Path to folder with initiated git repository (required)
--repoPath, String
Source branch or commit hash (ex. myCoolFeature)
--source, String
Target branch or commit hash (ex. master)
--target, String, defaultValue: 'master'
Path to generated report (json summary coverage report)
--reportPath, String, defaultValue: 'coverage/coverage-summary.json'
Verbose mode (display stats by each file and line)
--verbose, -v
Silent mode (hide all output)
--silent, -s
Minimum overall coverage
--minimumOverallCoverage, -m, Number, defaultValue: 70
Files to analyze
--fileTemplate, -f, String, defaultValue: 'src/**/*.js'
Report format
--reportFormat, String, defaultValue: 'lcov', possible values: 'json', 'lcov'
- Analyse git default output (using data between @@ ... @@)
- Add other coverage report support
- Improve coverage
- Generate pretty output