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A vagrant environemt to provide necessary tools for trying out EMC XtremIO integration with ClusterHQ/flocker


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EMC XtremIO Flocker Vagrant Enviroment

This project Vagrant environment for trying EMC XtremIO Flocker intergration.


ClusterHQ/Flocker provides an efficient and easy way to connect persistent store with Docker containers. This project provides a sample vagrant environment for trying out solution.

EMC XtremIO Flocker Intergration Block Diagram

![EMC XtremIO Flocker Intergration Block Diagram Missing] (


Tested with Vagrant 1.7.2

  • Clone source code from git repository
    git clone
  • Change directory
    cd vagrant-xtremio-flocker
  • Bring up vagrant machines
   vagrant up

This shall create two ubuntu trusty64 host and install all needed iSCSI software on the host

  • Test login to the host
    vagrant ssh node1
    vagrant ssh node2

The nodes get preassigned ip addresses for node1 and for node2

  • Discover iSCSI XtremIO portal on the host on node1 and node2
        /vagrant/Config/iSCSIDiscover <EMC XtremIO iSCSI Portal IP>
        /vagrant/Config/iSCSILogin <EMC XtremIO iSCSI Portal IP>
  • Install ClusterHQ/Flocker
    Refer to ubuntu install notes ->
  • Install EMC Plugin for XtremIO
    • Clone EMX XtremIO Flocker Plugin in the same directory as vagrant images
          git clone
    • Run plugin install on two nodes - node1 and node2
          cd /vagrant/xtremio-flocker-driver
          sudo python install
  • Enable Plugin
    To start the plugin on a node, a configuration file must exist on the node at /etc/flocker/agent.yml. This should be as follows, replacing ${xms_ip}, ${xms_user} & ${xms_password} with the ip/hostname, username and password of XtremIO XMS port:

control-service: {hostname: '', port: 4524}
dataset: {backend: emc_xtremio_flocker_plugin}
version: 1
    backend: emc_xtremio_flocker_plugin
        xms_ip: ${xms_ip}
        xms_user: ${xms_user}
        xms_password: ${xms_password}

Usage Instructions

Please refer to ClusterHQ/Flocker documentation for usage.

A sample deployment and application file for Cassandra server is present with this code.

  • Deploying Cassandra Database on node1
    vagrant ssh node1
    flocker-deploy /vagrant/cassandra-deployment.yml /vagrant/cassandra-application.yml

The default deployment node on /vagrant/cassandra-deployment.yml is

    sudo docker ps (you should now see cassandra docker deployed)
    sudo docker inspect flocker--cassandra

The above shall show the volume connected, mounted as file-system on the host

  • Check status of the Cassandra node
    sudo docker exec -it flocker--cassandra nodetool status (you should get output as below)
    sudo docker exec -it flocker--cassandra nodetool status
  • Create sample keyspace in Cassandra database:
    sudo docker exec -it flocker--cassandra cqlsh

The above gives you a cqlsh prompt. Copy paste following to create database and table

    CREATE KEYSPACE EMCXtremIO WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 0};
    CREATE TABLE EMCXtremIO.users (userid text PRIMARY KEY, first_name text);
  • Check the created schema
    desc keyspace EMCXtremIO
  • Migrate Cassandra database to node2
    ClusterHQ flocker provides a way to migrate data from one node to another
    • Modify cassandra-deploy.yml file present in the root folder to specify target host at
    vagrant ssh node1
    flocker-deploy /vagrant/cassandra-deploy.yml /vagrant/cassandra-application.yml
    sudo docker exec -it flocker--cassandra cqlsh
    desc keyspace EMCXtremIO
  • Protecting Cassandra Node with Docker
    EMC XtremIO comes Snapshotting capabilities which can be extended to Docker Cassandra for supporting application consistent snapshots
    sudo docker exec -it flocker-cassandra nodetool snapshot

EMC XtremIO Snapshots using XtremIOSnap:

    python ./ ${xms ip address} ${xms_username} ${xms_password} --f --snap=${flocker cluster id}

Snapshot in folder with _snapshots now exists on XtremIO. The flocker cluster id can be found by referencing folder name on EMC XtremIO.

        sudo docker exec -it flocker-cassandra nodetool clearsnapshot<br>


  • Add Chap protocol support for iSCSI
  • Add Multipathning support


Create a fork of the project into your own reposity. Make all your necessary changes and create a pull request with a description on what was added or removed and details explaining the changes in lines of code. If approved, project owners will merge it.


A vagrant environemt to provide necessary tools for trying out EMC XtremIO integration with ClusterHQ/flocker







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